News Roundup

For my non-Murkin Readers, it’s pronounced “knee-high”.  And speaking of getting your knees up:

...and if you don’t know who Liz Jones is, you’re so much the better for it.

As for the Usual Suspects:

Still on those assholes:

...hey, if it worked for their prophet… besides, you need to go younger and younger to get ’em while they’re still fresh — especially in Iran, it seems.

Let’s hear it from Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...wait:  you mean only allowing harvesting or plowing on Tuesdays and Thursdays could affect crop yields?  Who knew?

And in parallel stupidity:

...let’s give this one a try.  Born with a penis:  man.  If not, a woman.  Then there’s always that XX/XY chromosome test thing, as a fallback.

Time for that EVERYBODY PANIC!!! thing:


...both come courtesy of the Daily Mail, of course.

In Election News:

And in Health News:

...and at the risk of sounding old-fashioned an’ stuff, this never used to happen when doctors kept actual paper files on their patients.

Time for a new department, Totalititarian Chronicles:

...getting a little ahead of ourselves, are we?

And in link-free 


And returning to the “knees-up” theme from the top:

...of course she does, she’s Roller Girl:




And that’s it for the news.


  1. HG needs a knee-lift, if there is such a thing, but aside from that, a genetic miracle.

  2. Scots shouldn’t worry about ticks. They should take care of the infestation of idiots they have in their governmnent.

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