Men Are Pigs

This has nothing to do with yesterday’s post about boob reductions.

But it shows that when it comes to strange perversions and a desire for random sex, it’s not just the human male that’s affected.

The entomophthora muscae eats its host (female fly), and then attracts healthy flies over to have necrophilic intercourse with it so the fungus can spread. The weird footage, shared by researchers at University of Copenhagen, illustrates the behaviour, which the experts say happens frequently.

“Hey, boys… want a good time?  Come on over.”
“She looks a little off… is she still breathing?”
“Does it matter?”
“Not really.”

Wanna know the funny thing?  Even if you warned the male flies about the danger, I bet that a lot would go ahead anyway.

And there ya have it.  Q.E.D.


  1. Hahahahaha! Good one! You got me! Kim opines on boob reduction? How did I miss that? Must Read! click… 404! Dayum!

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