News Roundup

And speaking of getting shafted:

...if you can’t stop him by letting him be assassinated, stop him by fixing the vote.

In Industrial Labor News:

...bad news: production is going to dry up; good news: it’s production of the 737 Max.

…wait;  I thought that everyone wanted these Duracell cars.

Time for some news of The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...where are they getting the money to pay the lawyers?  I think we should be told.’s almost to the point where this is no longer news.

In Global Economic News:

...are we absolutely SURE this guy wasn’t born somewhere in the U.S.?

...LOL just wait till they see their ROI.

From the Department of Education:

...keyword:  Missouri.  Again.  It must be something in the water, there in the Show-Me state.

...keyword:  California.  Of COURSE it was going to be on film.

Still talking about sex:

...this study endorsed by wankers the world over.

...newsflash:  famous rock musicians are renowned for their monogamous behavior.

...I can actually see her point.

And in mercifully-link-free 


And sauntering down :

...of course, the old girl needs those tight clothes to keep the Jello-bits from wobbling around.

And still on the same old bint:

...wait, what?  Let’s see the correction:

...okay, that’s a little better.

And on that bit of Fake News, we end this roundup.


  1. That baby name? It looks like a Gaelic version of Talulah with a pronunciation something like ‘Tal-ay-lay’. That said, yes, it’s a stupid name. Yes, it’s going to impact her negatively in all the ways everyone says.

  2. we need Javier Milei’s policies here.

    Illegal aliens causing crime, no surprise and neither is the decline of electric cars. those are standing headlines.

    Secret service can’t handle their current assignments right now. Why is their scope being expanded? that’s ludicrous.

    I can’t wait to see how China gets spanked by Africa but I doubt it will happen. I think they ChiComs play hardball like the Commies of the SOviet union did back in the day. They probably out intimidated the local officials with their bribes and graft and threats.

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