Thoughts On #2

After the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump, I’m led to ask a few questions.

If this was a serious attempt, why use an AK-47 (or SKS –there seems to be some confusion here*)?  I’m a huge fan of the old Commie rifles, but it’s common knowledge that even scoped, neither is a serious “sniper” rifle.  Hell, I wouldn’t use it past 200 yards, and I’m what could charitably called a “practiced” shooter with both the AK and SKS.

Which leads me to the next question.

Was this Routh guy just some deranged asswipe who wanted to kill Trump in principle, but like many nutcases, had little idea of how to accomplish such a thing?  (I’m kinda leaning towards this scenario, by the way, because serious shooters never let their gun barrel poke out into plain view.)

Also in my mind:  at what point, if ever, is the Secret Service going to get serious about protecting Trump?  Supposedly, some eagle-eyed agent spotted Routh’s rifle barrel sticking through the fence, and the SS agent then opened fire on his position (but not hitting him surprise surprise).  (Hell, at least this time, unlike in the previous attempt, they didn’t wait for the dickhead to start shooting before trying to suppress him.)  Frankly, I’m starting to have serious doubts about their capability to protect Trump — which leads to the final, and most disturbing question.

Is there actually a conspiracy to assassinate Trump?  I’m not going to get involved in who might be part of a conspiracy because I don’t know enough about the situation or the people who might be part of it.

Here’s what I do know:  if there’s a third assassination attempt on Donald Trump, then it will take a great deal to persuade me, in the words of Auric Goldfinger, that this is not an enemy action.  Once again, as to who the enemy is, I have no idea but many suspicions.

Right now, however, I have absolutely no doubt as to what is causing these deranged assholes like Ryan Routh and the late Thomas Crooks to act the way they are, and it can be found in the words of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with all their lickspittle colleagues in Congress and the media, words which describe Trump as being “a danger to democracy”, a “dictator”, and so on.  (And I’m not the only one who believes this.)

If you keep on watering the ground, in other words, it’s an absolute certainty that some shoots [sic] are going to spring up.

*In terms of details about this business, the “fog of war” is a clear blue sky by comparison.  See here for a series of contradictory statements.


  1. Well, clearly “they” want him dead, as they do all of us, for that matter. What really interests me is that “they” have used two wind-up patsies so far, but in both cases have failed to backstop them with invisible professionals to actually get the job done, JFK-style. One wonders what game is being played or whether it’s sheer incompetence on the part of the hollowed out, DEI-ridden “they” institutions.
    In contrast, I see that Musk is admitting that he has a full-time, private, 20-man security team. Musk is much richer than Trump, of course and, perhaps, less stupid. At least not stupid enough to rely on government security workers reporting to “them.” On the other hand, if Trump were to go private, “they” would immediately shout “SA” as a new game variant. Even so, I would think a bunch of loyal ex-Tier1 boys might improve the orange man’s chances.

  2. Beggers can’t be choosers. You might use an SKS if you’re a convicted felon, prohibited from possessing firearms, have traveled 5000 miles via airplane, and need something somewhat accurate but easy to acquire illicitly.

    The SKS is accurate to 100-200 yards. I was able to hit a metal target 9 times out of 10 at 100 yards last time I was plinking with one.

    It is quite a long gun, however, and so it might be difficult to keep the muzzle from poking through the trees.

    1. Do you not see the contradiction in your first 2 sentences?

      Come on man, The media is putting out an entirely fake story, again.
      Not one facet of this silliness can be taken seriously.

      Another wind up toy.

  3. Scenario 1 – some 18 year old punk with no money, no job, complete loser, decides to shoot up a school in Uvalde and execute kids at point blank range has over $4000 worth of Daniel Defense hardware and we all ask WTF, where and how did he get it?

    Scenario 2 – two different shooters try to kill the president from a distance – garden variety AR with iron sights and shitbox AK with a scope. And again, WTF? A cheap Walmart deer rifle with a 4x scope would have been a much better choice but no one thought it thru? Are the Fed Bois really that bad at their job?

    As far as a conspiracy, one can almost imagine the entire Democrat party wailing out loud “Won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome candidate?” and then acting shocked when a) someone actually tries, and b) they miss.

    Finally, as others have pointed out, assassin #2 was actively involved in Ukraine and gave multiple interviews. He must have been, as they say, “on their radar”. Way too many coincidences going on.

  4. > Is there actually a conspiracy to assassinate Trump?

    No. If there was, he’d be dead already, there would be very public investigations into who, what, why and people *might* get exposed.

    Oh, and we’d be in a civil war.

    It’s like Carlin said: You don’t need a conspiracy when all these people went to the same schools, are in the same clubs and generally have the same interests and goals.

    The CIA and the FBI have been involved in the GWOT for 20+ years. They have trained, experienced people who could solve these kinds of problems. There are a bunch of people in high places who really wouldn’t mind if Trump was killed, they just don’t want to be the ones with their finger prints on it.

    So they do to him what they do to all of us, they slow walk the paperwork. They assign him the troublemakers and the D students. And they talk about him in the harshest possible terms.

    They create the enviornment where the nutcases have a better chance at getting it done.

    1. William I believe that your post is one of the most plausible. I’m surprised neither of these lunatics or an accomplice went to Walmart and picked up a Savage Axis or Ruger American Gen II package rifle and then went to town. Grab a couple boxes of ammunition and you’d be on your X ring in an afternoon

  5. Couple of thoughts here. First, is the old adage that there is often no difference between incompetence and malicious intent and I think we’re at that point. Once is a fluke. Twice suggests the burden of proof is now on the Secret Service to show they’re doing all they can to protect Trump.

    Second, it is time to start holding the clickbaiters among our political class, our media, and among ourselves for all of this. You can’t spend 30 years stacking powder kegs like so much cordwood, handing out matches, and then believe you can absolve yourself of responsibility when you get burned in the inevitable conflagration.

    Make no mistake about it, a successful assassination of President Trump will ignite something truly terrible. Something I really don’t believe the United States will survive as we know it.

  6. This guy has serious ties to Ukraine. It’s far too high a chance he did this on orders from someone there, and if so, he did it with ukr providing the intel.
    The only place that intel could come from is Five Eyes.
    The conspiracy is inside the house.

  7. Gratuitously stolen from John Ringo, July 18th:

    F: You saw the plan! You knew what it was! You didn’t think to mention ‘Hey, can you maybe find somebody who can shoot?’

    S: (Very small voice) All the people who can shoot vote for trump.

  8. I think it’s fairly likely that both shooters chose the weapons they did because they didn’t know much about guns, but they knew (from the media) that “assault weapons” were really dangerous, and could kill someone if they were just fired in his general direction. The blast from those gigantic bullets passing by at 3800 miles per second would simply vaporize him. That’s why they’re not legal for hunting, you know. I’ve seen that argument posted as “proof” that Trump wasn’t hit the first time, because if the bullet had hit his ear, it would have blown his head off.

    I’m also convinced at this point that somebody fairly high up in the Secret Service or Homeland Security would be more than happy if a random loser managed to kill Trump. They don’t have enough support in the organization to kill him themselves, but they can assign fewer resources to protecting him, and make sure that the agents in charge are the kind who would refuse to cooperate with local cops on matters like drones and radios. They’ve probably left countless openings before, and it was only recently that someone took advantage of it.

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