News Roundup

…which is probably the best word to describe this first news item:

...”how am I going to replace half my staffers now?”

...I would have thought the CIA would be too busy planning to do that back here after November.

...keyword:  Irish.

From the Hearts Of Stone Department:

...okay, quit that unseemly giggling.

...”that’s a strange noise.”

In news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©: everywhere else.

...”wait, you mean we can no longer just get rid of our problem by shipping them over to you?”

From the Department of Education:

...but but but that’s just Show & Tell in Sex Ed.  Also, keyword:  Florida.

And in Medical News:

...principal among them:  pics of Lizzo, Hillary Clinton or Gemma Collins. mean that salad tongs aren’t approved?

...when demand exceeds supply.

...all of which can be summed up with:

From the trenches of the Sex Wars:

...repeat after me:  “Sex, sandwiches and silence.”  And if we can have only one, then:  silence.

Now for unbridled but unlinked 

hate to say it, Tarty, but yer just not that important, compared to Hillary Clinton.

...well, we haven’t seen Phil’s little girl for a while, so why not?

And that’s all the news fit to (un-)cover.

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