Health News

Feeling shit:  yesterday I suddenly got a sore throat, sinus drainage/blockage (I don’t know how they can coexist, either), and the beginning of a hacking cough.

Same as I had a few months ago.  Anyway, when I called my GP yesterday  to see if he could just send a Zithromycin Rx to CVS, he insisted that I come in to see him.  Couldn’t fit me in yesterday — it was after 5pm, to be honest — but I do have an 8.30 appointment this morning.

My Brit Readers (and anyone else living under a nationalized healthcare system) are allowed to feel envious.


Till later.

Update:  Just got back from the above.  No big deal, not a bronchial issue, no Covid, just a nasty upper-respiratory tract infection.  Z-pack, and I’ll be better by Thursday.

To be honest, I felt a little foolish at having wasted his time for so trivial a thing.  Still, his N.P. is a total doll, so it wasn’t a complete waste of my time.


  1. With all the turd world streaming past in TX and every-fookin-where else, no surprise at all that there is going to be an increase in malaise. Pray it is just a normal bog standard cold that is treatable with honey and hooch.

  2. Get well soon.

    Why would your UK readers feel envious? When I contact my GP’s surgery with an issue the surgery or GP rings me back and arranges an appointment if necessary.

  3. In Arizona, this happens twice each year, when the temps rise into the 100s and again, when they drop out of the 100s. it is usually triggered by visits from germ-laden grandbabies, who are each their own version of Typhoid Mary for us old people. It tends to aggravate other long-term respiratory problems. Treatment is made more difficult when one has decided to live a saintly and sober life.

    1. Well, New Wife works in a preschool (a.k.a. petrie dish), so although her immune system is like a fortress, there’s always a good chance that she’ll just pass along something to me… which is what I suspect happened here.

  4. I hope he talks you out of the AZT. Majority of URIs are viral and indiscriminate use of wide-spectrum antibiotics will eventually take its toll on your gut (among other things).

    Personally, I would not take antibiotics for anything unless I had a culture that came back positive for some bacterial infection. Then and only then would I take the bacteria-specific antibiotic called for. I’ve had C. Diff infections twice and follow-on treatments with Vancomycin and Dificid. It’s taken my gut 5+ years to get even close to back to normal. At your (our) age, you don’t have a spare 5 years to give up to that hell-on-earth.
    Save your gut and gut it out.
    In the mean time, I recommend:
    NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA 150ML, Natural Herbal Syrup, Soothing Throat and Respiratory Support. I’ve been taking that at the first sign of a sore throat since I was TAD in China in the 90’s. When we brought my daughter home from the orphanage in Cambodia, we stopped in Bangkok on the way to get her tuned up for what amounted to kennel cough (common in jungle orphanages) and that’s what they gave her.

    Feel better soon.

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