Marking Time

Am I the only one who’s in a mood of suspension, here?

Of late, I feel myself facing the tide of daily events with a sense of either indifference or irritation — in the latter case, that whatever happens before the November elections will turn out to be irrelevant.

More than ever before, this election will be a watershed of some kind in this nation’s history.  If Trump wins the Presidency, perhaps he can do all the things — or at least most of the things — that could begin to turn the ship of state around, away from the looming catastrophe of Socialism that would most certainly be cemented in place should Harris and her Communist vice-president win.

I have to say that I felt the same way before Obama was elected, but not as keenly as I do now.

Is this what faces us, in the foreseeable future?  A perpetual cycle of eight years of socialism, followed by four years of slight correction, followed by another eight years of socialism?

I leave it to others — I have to leave it to others — to decide what happens from now on.  I am but one vote, one voice, and my age and failing health will prevent me from participating in what so many conservatives are calling a “revolution”, an upheaval so cataclysmic that for the first time in my life, I am afraid not just of that, but of the consequences thereof.

I have made all sorts of preparations, taken all sorts of precautions, but I fear that no matter what I have done, it will not be enough.


  1. >>”Is this what faces us, in the foreseeable future? A perpetual cycle of eight years of socialism, followed by four years of slight correction, followed by another eight years of socialism?”

    Isn’t that what’s been happening, our whole lives, at least since the Wilson administration?

    We are, in many ways, hostage to history, but we must guard against learned helplessness and complacency. We also ARE history.

    I think many are waiting for some sort of signal, akin to looking out the window to see if allies are massing the the streets. But that’s…kinda not how it works. If anything, we slid past that point without noticing. (There’s a lot of room for discussion on that one.)

    The outcome of this election, either way, will not, and cannot heal our divided nation. Substantial numbers subscribe to mutually exclusive world views and first principles. It’s time to start taking National Divorce seriously, and the way to do that collectively is to begin disengaging individually.

    * Get your head on straight. Calibrate your moral compass, sharpen your reason, and attain clarity on who is friend and foe. Get real clear on your values and priorities and who has any rightful claim on you.
    * Get out of Blue Bastions. Pack up and git. I, for one did that 20 years ago, and I did not flee far enough.
    * Insulate everything that informs your safety, well being and fortune from their grasp.
    * And if all else fails and if it comes to it, have strong doors, and make any who breaches them sorry.

  2. Even facing the Leviathan of the Deep State, we are not completely powerless. It’s relatively easy to insinuate yourself into a municipal board or advisory committee (I’ve done so twice recently, just by signing up) and begin to exert some common-sense influence. Hang around some volunteer groups that make sense to you, and look for some like-minded people. Can’t find a group to your liking? Start one! My wife and I did that a dozen years ago and are now trusted influencers in our city. The future belongs to those who show up.

  3. No, you are not the only one. I have my theories about the power behind the throne(s) both here and in the middle east, but they are only theories. About the only thing I’m sure of is that I have confirmed my zeros out to 200 yds.

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