Dust Settled

Okay, all that connectivity bullshit seems to have cleared up.  I won’t go into detail, but the past two days have been somewhat nerve-wracking because I kind of like keeping this here back porch of mine going, and because without an Internet connection in my house, I was going to have to go to places like Sta*buck$ or my apartment complex’s front office to use their free wi-fi.  And the rent had to be paid,yesterday — and there was no guarantee that I would be able to do it online.  (Not that I care that much;  my bank has a branch literally in the next block — actual walking distance, no kidding — so at worst I could get a cashier’s check cut in about five minutes.)

Also, my plagues & poxes episode finally seems to have cleared up — although New Wife is now showing some worrying symptoms of same — but at least I’m no longer hacking up bits of lung or whatever.

The downtime meant I had no time to assemble the Monday Funnies or News Roundup for their respective days, but that’s not important in the grand scheme of things, what with so many others putting out the same type of content anyway.  And to be quite frank, both involve quite a lot of work to put together (“curate”? I hate that fucking word), so I might just make the Roundup a weekly thing.

Anyway, normal service will now be resumed.

Assuming, of course, that in the general mood of whatthefuck that I described last week, that there’s anything I feel like ranting about or even giggling at.


  1. I hear you. Right now I’m probably paying way too much for combined internet, cable and phone (landline, still). But the logistics and sheer effort of switching to a different provider is mind-numbing. It’d take at least a week or more of BS, no TV, no internet, before I could get all the bugs worked out. And my lovely wife would be oh-so-understanding about not watching her favorite shows 24/7. Just getting her new phone set up had us half-way to me moving out. I’d rather keep paying too much for the decent service we have now then to switch to a cheaper service and have to reset everyone’s devices.

  2. Don’t forget most cell phone plans today have a hotspot feature. If your plan doesn’t consider switching. Most prepaid plans have hotspot features.

    Android or Apple phones there is one setting to turn on to activate the hotspot and then you connect your laptop to it

    Many cell phone plans today available for under 50 bucks that include hotspot.

    Some excellent prepaid services are

    – US mobile (Runs on Verizon, ATT or T-Mobile)
    – Visible Wireless (Runs on Verizon)
    – Mint Mobile (Runs on T-Mobile)

    A great backup to your home connection in case the home connection goes out. Also if the power is out as long as your phone is charged you can use it.

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