Fucking Leftist Bullshit

Maybe I’ve just been reading too much stuff like this, this, this and this recently, but I have to tell you, I’m getting totally sick and fucking tired of all this snowflake-ism, fascism masquerading as anti-fascism, threats against conservatives, Twatter storms when someone dares voice a viewpoint counter to the Orthodoxy, children screaming about how their parents have fucked up democracy (and being treated seriously by their ideological allies in the Press instead of being laughed out of the room), and all the rest of the politically-correct, safe-space-seeking, thumb-sucking kindergarten antics which passes for serious behavior on the Left.

Fucking hell: I enjoy a good show as much as anyone, but when Leftists are pilloried by other Leftists for being not Left enough — when the first Leftists stand to the left of Joseph Stalin to begin with — I start to get a sinking feeling about all this. Some people are treating this as a spectator sport: “Go ahead! Let’s all get the popcorn while the Left devours itself!” Well, it may be oh-so amusing, but what happens if this bunch of loony Commies gets their hands on the levers of power?

Does anyone remember when Hillary Bitch Clinton bragged that when she became President, she was going to allow not one or two, but twenty thousand Muslim Syrian refugees into the United States? Does anyone else see that this bit of American Merkelism could only have one purpose, that purpose being the undermining of American society? And that was Hillary Clinton, FFS: the most conservative member of the freak show that calls itself the Democrat Party nowadays. What if ultra-Socialist Bernie Sanders or one of those other Marxists became POTUS? Does anyone think that this would end well?

We’re all going tsk-tsk as we watch Venezuela descend into chaos, or South Africa descend into the usual African slaughterfest, and we comfort ourselves that oh no, none of that could happen here. Here’s my take on this:

Oh yes it fucking could.

I used to think that whoever was elected POTUS didn’t really matter because the Establishment would provide some kind of corrective stability. Sure, we elected a silly Lefty like Jimmy Carter or a fake conservative Democrat like Bill Clinton, but that didn’t really matter because the Republic survived their silliness. But then a serious Marxist (Barack Obama) got elected because golly gosh, it was time we had a Black President (even though he was really half White), an intellectual (even though he was an appalling student with crap college grades) who could then inflict Leftist bullshit like ObamaCare and subversive initiatives like the “Dear Colleague” missive sent to college administrators. Couple that with a vacillating, cowardly foreign policy, a feral politicization of the federal bureaucracy (Lois Lerner’s IRS, Eric Holder’s Justice Department, and the EPA to name just three), a serious attempt to undermine the electoral process using fake information and the FBI — and we have, for the first time, a really quick and effective transformation of the United States into a socialist police state.

And here’s the really good news: Obama was just the beginning. The next Democrat president is going to make him look like an amateur socialist: a member of the 1930s Fabian Society, as opposed to Joseph Stalin.

This, by the way, is the reason I’m really irritated by the NeverTrumpers: their childish little tantrums about Trump’s uncouth manner, his “undignified” behavior (e.g. his use of Twitter) and the “chaos” of his Administration don’t do anything but help make the Leftists’ screams that “Trump Is Hitler!” ring true.

But if the NeverTrumpers irritate me, the pillars of the American Left (academia, the Press, the Democrats and so on) have a different effect. Where before I looked on them with scorn and some amusement — FFS, do they actually believe that bullshit they’re spouting? — I now look on them as I would a rabid dog or a black mamba: they really do believe that crap, and they are that fucking dangerous.

One of Obama’s more telling pronouncements (as opposed to his bald-faced lies) was “Punch back twice as hard.” Well, that’s what I’m going to do in future. I’m not going to let some asshole Leftist get away with behavior that as few as twenty years ago would have been unthinkable to the Left itself. If they attempt to suppress my speech because it’s “hateful” or “hurtful” or “threatening” or any one of their little masquerades which all mean “Shut Up!”, I’m just going to ratchet up the venom quotient.

If they think that I’m “hateful” now, just wait: I haven’t yet begun to hate.

I didn’t think I was ever going to have to resort to violence to protect myself, my right to free speech and all my other Constitutional freedoms, but then came the calls for gun confiscation, Black Lives Matter and Antifa (to name just three), so I’d better get in some preparation.

So now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range. While I still can.


  1. Wow, did somebody, as the old proverbial saying goes, piss in your mess kit? Or is it just Monday?

    But I agree with you wholeheartedly.

      1. Heh. Thanks to Marvel Comics movies, I have a mental image of a huge green Kim cleaning the floor (literally) with Loki.

  2. Agree with you. I keep tuned in to ex Navy SEAL Matt Bracken. He calls what is coming CW2. Civil War 2. I am convinced that we are headed into a damn shooting war in this country. There are enough forces at work on the cultural, political, religious and racial levels to make it inevitable.

  3. Anyone with a good knowledge of the first Civil War would know that it can happen here.

    If it does happen, the first casualty will be the power grid. When the power grid goes down, there will be no electricity, cell phones, Internet or food shipments to major cities. Casualties will be in the tens of millions.

    1. There also won’t be drinking water; electricity powers the pumps. My only consolation is that CA will die quicker.

  4. History is full of incidents where something really bad happens, and those responsible say “NO!! THAT wasn’t supposed to happen!!”- including the original gangs of revolutionaries and subversives just before they get their final ration of lead from the state they put into power.

  5. I have described it before as ‘Imagine a hundred Sarajevos’.

    Guys like Matt Bracken, Tom Kratman and Kurt Schlichter are looking worryingly /optimistic/ in their predictions.

  6. What bothers me the most is the growing suspicion that the Left WANTS a civil war. So they can justify building gulags.

    1. If they want one, it’s because they don’t have the slightest inkling of an idea of what an actual war entails. Some fools actually think that they would give the order, someone else would obediently go out with tanks and fighters to shoot the hated gun owning deplorables (who will openly line up in a convenient and compact group). Once done, those someones elses will then happily and obediently hand power right back to them.
      God forbid, should it come to that, the reality will be far different. Whatever happens, the resulting government will depend more upon the personality of the successful side’s military leader, and never the overt ideology claimed to be the reason.

  7. “… I’m just going to ratchet up the venom quotient…”
    At some point, The Left will find that calling all of their opponents “Nazi’s” is not a wise thing when their opponents decides “As long as I’m going to be called a Nazi, I might as well be a Nazi”, and all Hell breaks loose.
    They have NFI what dealing with a Nazi will be like, or how short the experience will be.

  8. My mind works like this. If I’m going to be accused, often, and loudly, for something I didn’t do, or for being something I’m not, i.e., a Nazi, well, pretty soon, I’m going do it, or be it. If I’m going to be blamed for it no matter what, well, what difference does it make then? Nazi? Snowflakes, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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