
From the Daily Mail:

Hannah Waddingham wants a man to scoop her up, take her to bed and afterwards eat Marmite on toast with her.

The multi-talented Ted Lasso star said she can’t remember when she last had a first date but admits to being ‘just a bit picky’.

‘I’m 50 and I’m like, ‘Dude, if you are not going to step up, step off and be gone’.

Okay, if I may be a bit picky myself…

The redoubtable Hannah has a few things going in her favor, and quite a few not.  For starters, she’s tolerably good-looking for an old broad in her 50s.

But, and I hesitate even to say this, unless she’s going to date bodybuilders, her Amazonian frame ain’t going to be “scooped up” anytime soon.  Okay, cheap shot;  it was a metaphor.  But even then, she has to be aware that she’s an actress, with all the fuckwittery and moonbattyness attached thereto;  most eligible men of around her age are quite aware of this, and will try to avoid it wherever possible.  (Younger men, of course, would just go for the tits and celebrity she brings to the party, but they’re unlikely to be satisfactory outside the bed and red carpet.  Unless that’s all she wants.)

Lastly, Marmite is a dreadful substance.  It is regarded as a delicacy by some Brits, but it has also come to define something that you either love or hate.  One hopes that she’s not insistent on the post-coital Marmite thing, because that too would cut out a considerable number of men from the dating pool.

Were I available for said Hannah-bonkery duty, I’d run a mile — and I’m probably not the only one.

One comment

  1. Never heard of her, looked her up.
    She’s a wore out old hor way past her overdue date.
    Looks kinda tranny, with a $100k body-do.
    Anyway, 50 years old and still single?
    There’s a reason why…

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