What Would You Do?

As a rule, I tend to avoid silly pop quizzes like the one below, because no matter how I answer the question(s), I always seem to end up proving that I’m actually a libertarian.

This one, however, is different.

Imagine you are driving home on a deserted road in a sports car in the middle of a stormy night. On your way home, you pause at a bus stop and notice four people desperately in need of transportation.

The next bus isn’t scheduled until the morning and you can only fit three of them in your car. You cannot bend the rules to allow you to fit all four in the car with you driving. For example, the child cannot sit on someone’s knee.

The test reads: You stop your car and meet the four people:

  • A pregnant woman who started to have excruciating pain and looks like she’s on the verge of giving birth. She’s pleading to be sent to any hospital or at least be helped while going into labor.
  • A young child crying and screaming because he/she wandered away from his/her parents and home. The child doesn’t know where his/her address is but knows the full name of his/her parents. He/she just wants to go back home.
  • A surgeon doctor with his briefcase that contains his medical tools. He needs to go to his hospital as soon as possible in order to perform a very critical surgery.
  • Someone who just wants to go home, but it happens that you already have known and met this person before. To you, that person is a very dear and close friend/love of your life/desired future spouse. It’s been a very long time since you have both seen each other. You’ve always wanted to meet this person again to reconnect and rebuild your relationship with him/her, and you can’t find a better opportunity to do that, because if you don’t take it, chances are that you may not have that opportunity again.”

Adding to the complications, you do not have a mobile phone so you cannot call anybody else for help, and there are no houses nearby to ask to use their landline. There’s no one else on the road to help them but you. The bus stop is located away from any public facilities (hospitals, police stations) and houses, so no one can take it for a walk, especially in this kind of time and weather.

What do you do in that kind of situation? How will you give your help and prioritize it for those people? Which one will you choose to be the first person to be helped? You have to think very quickly to come up with a solution for this predicament.

So, Readers: what say you?  Give your answers in Comments.  My response will be posted tomorrow.


  1. Too easy – give the keys to the car to the one you met before and tell them to come back and get you when all the others have been taken care of.

  2. First question is what sports will hold 3 but not 4 people? Answer – a 911 when one of the people is a small child. You can fit two adults and 2 small young children in a 911 or 3 full size people IF you seriously compromise the seating positions of everybody. A GT3 does not hold 3 people of any combination because no jump seats, and fixed seat backs.

    My choice for triage – The pregnant woman and the child go to the nearest hospital or police station, then return to pickup the surgeon and the ex girlfriend. and I’m betting the Surgeon agrees with that arrangement, assuming the Surgeon does know the location of the nearest hospital.

  3. Bravo to the first responder. Perhaps an alternative would be to hand her my EDC carry weapon and let her know I’ll be back a.s.a.p. as well as provide her with a few comforting items always in my vehicle for (no pun intended)… a rainy day. P.S. if she’s the love of my life, chances are she is already packing…

  4. Take the preggers lady and doc leaving the acquaintance and screaming kid behind. Then after delivering both to same hospital, go back for other two. No one says this is inhumane, except perhaps the fellow stuck with screaming waif whom one hopes has calmed by then.

  5. Obvious loophole in the question: I may not have a mobile phone, but what are the chances none of the others do?

    I’m pretty sure I saw a version of this question about 20-25 years ago, and I had the same reaction then. It’s even less likely now than it was then.

    If you absolutely want to rule out mobile phones, it might be a better idea to specify that there’s no reception in the immediate vicinity.

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