Special Day

For no reason at all, I declared yesterday to be “Ruger Revolver Day”, and duly equipped, I headed off to the range…

From the top:  Blackhawk .30 Carbine (7½”), Single Six .22 LR (5½”), Single Six .22 LR/.22 Mag (6½”), and Redhawk .45 LC/ACP (4″).

And a good time was had by all except the poor wee lass in the booth next to mine, who was startled by the sound of the .30 Carbine round and its 18″ muzzle flash.

Have I mentioned before how much I love shooting single-action revolvers?  I have?  Many times?  Well, there’s a reason.

36 rounds of .30 Carbine, 48 rounds of .45 ACP (I’m a little short of .45 Colt, soon to be remedied), and I kinda lost count of the .22s (it happens), but it was a lot.

Just for the record, my post-shooting Zen (that lovely adrenaline dump) lasted for about two hours afterwards… wonderful.

Next time:  some semi-auto rifle activity of the 7.62x39mm persuasion, or maybe it’ll be the turn of the S&W revolvers, I’m not sure.  Sufficient unto the day is the pleasure thereof.

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