I think this little debacle — initially seen in 2016 with Trump’s first electoral victory — can be summed up thus:
So much for them, then: they were as clueless as all their US counterparts, all of whom called the election as “close” when (barring vote fraud) it was never going to be anything like that.
I know, I know: everyone tries to hedge their bets in the prediction game, but never so egregiously. It was obvious to any disinterested observer that they were cooking the stats by slanted sampling and so on.
One would think that the pollsters would have learned their lesson from 2016, but noooo.
What I want to know is: why should we believe anything these assholes tell us from now on?
Anyone? Bueller?
The polling outfits, like the media, are owned by the Democrats. They will always try to spin the Dems as being in the lead in any contest, to discourage the good guys.
This means that they end up with egg on their faces every time, but their owners make them wear the egg, over and over again, as a price for gaining political advantage.
What these goblins and their servants haven’t realised is that the mainstream media (eg WaPo AND NYT) are now irrelevant, as are the pollsters. They shit in their own nests so often that nobody pays any attention to them any more. Rogan, and bloggers like Eugyppius and El Gato Malo are the people who form opinions now.
Guys like Jeff Bezos aren’t stupid. His editorial at the WaPo about nobody trusting them any more showed that he understands how things now stand. Whether he can return them to any sort of relevance is an interesting question.
Polls are not there to report the political leanings of the people at large. Polls are there to create news and drive the agenda of who is paying for the poll.
Because criminals and liars persist until someone gives them the emergency room level beating they require. Apparently their nature is in their genes.
I saw a brief video yesterday about a guy who looked into the polls taken in 2020 and 2024 and compared them with actual results. he found that the polls had about a 7-10% over estimation of Harris’s numbers. He made a bet or some sort for stupid money that Trump would win the electoral college and the popular vote.
Compare the polls from 2020 and 2024 with the actual results in 2020 in the battle ground states. NC polls this year were overestimating a Harris win by quite a bit.
I stopped believing many of those polls decades ago. I don’t believe that they are very accurate at all. they are not precise. They’re a glorified SWAG with some number crunching
Another possibility:
Like everyone else, I was inundated with texts, phone calls, emails, and people in person wanting me to opine on the issues of the day and ultimately determine who I’d vote for. My answer was always the same, “I’m sorry, I don’t participate in polls”, following by hanging up perhaps accompanied with profanity should they persist.
My reasons are twofold:
1) it’s really none of your business.
2) I’m not about to help the leftists figure out how MUCH fraud they need, especially in Pennsylvania, arguably THE swing state.
I’m not alone either.
And no, I don’t care WHO is running the poll, NRA or The View. They can all find out the results of the only poll that matters morning after Election Day.
Mark D
I am under no obligation to be truthful will a pollster.
Polls are for strippers.
They were flat out lying, obviously.
Because if they had reported the actual polling numbers there is no way the public would have accepted a middle of the night vote dump again. They had to keep up her “poll numbers” so that it would look “reasonable” if they found a few hundred thousand ballots for her at 3AM.
What they didn’t count on was such a landslide for Trump that no amount of spin on their part could sell a Harris win…even one by a narrow margin. So they aborted on the late night fraudulent ballots by the pallet load.
Rest assured, they’ll try again next time.
Well, It ain’t quite over. There are a bunch of House Districts around the country that still haven’t finished counting and certified a winner 48 hours and more after the polls closed. Almost all of them are only a few thousand or even a few hundred votes difference between Red and Blue. I’ll wager there are Dem operatives scrambling in back rooms and court houses in every one of those places, looking for a wedge to stuff or dismiss ballots.