1. I’ve never shot at a drone but I would imagine Birdshot would be devastating with most any choke at 30 feet or less. And if one hit of the many little pellets isn’t enough to drop the electronic bird pump that shotty and poke some more holes in the nanny state bullshit.

  2. I’m partial to a 12GA SxS muzzleloader shotgun. Payload is lead split shot crimped at intervals to a length of music wire. Sorta poor man’s chain shot, plus instant smoke screen. Or, some 5.56 SS109.

  3. If someone is flying a drone around your property at a range close enough to hit with a shotgun, it’s not a government drone. It’s likely a neighbor or a kid. Which means, unless you’re leaving the windows open when you change or have sex, they’re just screwing around and are of no consequence.

    The drones you have to worry about are going to be able to observe you from much higher up/out, and you’re not going to hit them with a shotgun.

    They won’t be on your property, and they won’t be in your air space. Which means shooting them down is a federal crime.

    That said, a high powered laser is your best bet today. It probably won’t crash the drone, but it should kill the camera.

    Again, this is a federal felony, so you probably don’t want to do it from your house.

    1. Another attorney had a case in a neighboring rural county, where the county fire department was practicing with their new drone toy in his backyard, just outside his windows. After 2 or 3 passes, he shot it down, and was subsequently prosecuted for criminal damage to property; it wasn’t his drone he shot down, it was the county’s. Technically, they were right; it was damage to property that wasn’t his.

      But in a rural county, he and I both knew that a jury would never convict him. And they didn’t.

      I would never vote to convict anyone shooting down a drone over their own property. If it’s low enough to be vulnerable to shotgun fire, it’s fair game.

      1. This is what is unreal to me. WTF is the difference between the gestapo searching your house with NO warrant and ZERO probably cause, vs some Government shit bag flying a drone directly over and around someone’s private property.

        Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution

        “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

        The way I see it is some overpaid cock sucker who leaches off of the tit of society with money STOLEN from taxpayers flies a Chinese made drone around a private citizens property amounts to an UNREASONABLE search!

        And if you want to get TECHNICAL, the drone does NOT belong to the Government, it belongs to the taxpayers, so as long as some illegal immigrant did not mow the Chi Com (Chinese Communist) electronic piece of shit down, as long as it was brought down by a TAXPAYER, then it was NOT damage to someone else’s property.


  4. My trap gun is choked 3/4 and the barrel is back bored.
    It’s really set up to shoot handicap so it should be good on drones to about 70 yards with the correct buffered shot.
    I guess I need to go pattern it for that game this winter.

  5. By the way in case anyone is wondering what the conspiracy theory is with all the drone sitings, aliens was one, then there was the whole foreign army, but the most interesting I have heard is in the below linked article:


    “A New Jersey mayor warned Tuesday that the troubling drone sightings over the state may be linked to missing radioactive material, although federal officials say the amount poses no serious threat either way.

    Belleville Mayor Michael Melham said the drones flying in a grid-like pattern over his Essex County township appear to be “looking for something.

    “What might they be looking for? Maybe that’s radioactive material,” Melham told Fox TV’s “Good Day New York.””

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