Speed Bump #297

From (of course) the Daily Mail:

Angelina Jolie walks away $80 million richer after dragging Brad Pitt ‘through ringer’ in eight-year divorce battle

Were there bells involved?  No?

Then it’s wringer, you fucking imbeciles — the machine what squeezed the water out of sodden clothing with rollers (back before we had clothes dryers).  Not that I would expect Millennial- or Gen Z illiterates to know about them.

Which is no excuse.


  1. Just yesterday I had to explain to my millennial girl what “like a bad penny” means.. Who knew getting old would mean having to do that?

    1. Do you know what age group Millennials are? I know that term. I Am in my 40’s. If I was born 2 years earlier I would be gen X.

      Maybe you are speaking of a Gen Z zoomer generation?
      Or someone else?

      The hate for millennials is interesting.. Who do you think has been working since 2000 when Millennials started coming of age and paying for a lot of the free shit in society.

      This whole let’s blame millennials for everything keeps turning up “like a bad penny”

      Just sayin…

      1. No – I love my millennial girl! She was born in 1994! Its just a lot of idioms that are common knowledge to boomers I end up having to explain to her. Its more a lament about one of those unexpected things that you encounter when you get older..

        1. Ah I see your point now. I had the same experience last year.

          My wife and I sometimes eat at a local college. It’s nearby and cheap. The public pays 10 bucks and it is all you can eat. Soda, Tea, Coffee and Dessert included.

          I was at the salad bar one day and some random “kid” (To me being 40’s someone who is 18 to 22 is a “kid” came up to me and grabbed a roll, took a bite, then grabbed another.

          He then looked over at me and said “yo dawg, these rolls are “Bussin” ”

          When I got back to the table I asked my wife, Some kid just told me the rolls were bustin, (thought at first he said Bustin) – what the fuck does that mean?

          She laughed because she had heard the slang before and Bussin means REALLY GOOD.

          Different Generations FOR SURE!

  2. It wasn’t clothes dryers that the wringers stood in for. It was the the spin cycle that hadn’t been added to the washer. The wringer squeezed out the excess water, just like the spin cycle does today, and then the damp clothes could be hung or put in a dryer.

  3. When the last boomer dies the country will officially be 50% more retarded than the day before.

    1. I am an old Millennial, in my 40’s. If I was born two years earlier, I would be a Gen X.

      The boomer generation seems to have an attitude that they are so great, when many of them I have seen are some of the most entitled people I have ever encountered. NOT ALL, but many.

      In Massachusetts, where there is now free community college for ANY AGE people, as long as they never completed any degree before (Could be done with all but one class) – I see so much “older” (No I don’t think 50 60 or 70 is old but just using the term older) – coming in and gaming the system. I mean cmon, if you are 50 to 70, coming to get a degree, and you never earned one before, what in the actual fuck are you going to do with a degree at this point? There is the rare going back to get a nursing degree for CNA’s but that is the exception.

    2. Boomers inherited a GREAT and prosperous country from the “Greatest Generation” or the “Elders” who were the WW2 generation. The boomers brought up all the Gen X and Millennials and somehow the two generations the boomers raised turned out to be about 50 50, half hard working, half retarded entitled woke bastards who think liberals and free shit are the cure for all.

      Millennials from what I have seen are split about 50 /50 as I have said. For those boomers out there who hate all Millennials, who is it exactly that you think inherited the 30 something trillion in debt that boomer politicians created the majority of? Who was in their early 20’s when the 2008 recession happened and the boomers cried about how bad it was and the millennials who worked got fist fucked no lube in their early careers?

      Not all Millennials are bad, just like not all Boomers are bad. One thing is for sure though, the Millennials did NOT create this mess. What is the average age of the politicians? Age alone does not dictate good or bad politician, but my point is the majority of shitty politicians have been around a long time. Joe Biden is one example.

    3. Gen Z is after the Millennials. The Zoomers. While they are Woke, Some are lazy, and downright stupid in many cases, this is a product of society.

      The only fix is telling EVERYONE, INCLUDING the boomers that the free shit is NOT free

      – Social security ALWAYS WAS a ponzi scheme. It was NEVER going to work forever. What is the difference between what Bernie Madeoff did and what the US government is doing? NOTHING! ZERO! Social security like any ponzi scheme relies on finding the next sucker. Estimates are already coming in from the Government in the last few years that only maybe 80 percent of benefits can be paid coming up in about 10 years.

      Now I feel for those who paid in, including myself. But the first people to get social security NEVER paid in. And the Boomers are getting FAR more out of the system than they ever paid into it. At the expense of younger boomers and the Millennials.

  4. Kim, be thankful you are no longer here in the Midwest where I reside (about 100 miles east of your old haunts) Beside the freaking cold of winters, we have to tolerate daily exposure to ever deteriorating grammar and word placement on national and local news not to mention signage in stores.
    I swear to heaven that all the news desks are using AI to create the headlines, crawler lines and even to write the news reader scripts. On average, I would say 3 daily new failures (multiple times of course) of misuse. Maybe it is not AI but the use of voice to print software (an early form of AI) or worse, that the entire generation of current 20 something to 40 somethings have gone through school on phonetics and not actual English language grammar. Just think about what this is causing in the field of jurisprudence let alone the media. Yes your Honor, my client’s avocado is the repair of steal mill machinery….. Sigh!

  5. I am sure that she did RING his bell DURING the marriage but after the marriage she put him through the WRINGER.

    Spell check is one thing (I sometimes type fast or have spell check and the stupid AI correct things in an incorrect way) but there are some basics people should know as a JOURNALIST no less…

  6. People need to learn that getting $ 200,000 dollar degrees in musical relaxation or art therapy is fucking bullshit. Even bigger fucking bullshit is asking other taxpayers who already paid for their degrees or never went to school at all to fund someone else’s 4 year nonsensical journey.

    If you walked into a bank at 18 and said I don’t know shit about shit, I have zero job and I want a $ 200,000 dollar loan for a house or car you would be laughed at and told NO.

    If you walk into a student loan application (Aka a Govt backed type of banking transaction) and say you are 18 and don’t know shit about shit and you want $ 200,000 for a college education, you are told to sign here and you are good to go.

      1. I will have to look into starting one. You have the best blog. I couldn’t post all of the words in one post, some limit on character count so I split my comment up.
        Thank you for hosting this blog.

        1. So you liked my comment Mr Boron and Kim?

          Or was it too long of a diatribe?

  7. ” eight-year divorce battle” The lawyers walked away with a good sized chunk as well.

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