This is one of those boffins’ studies which ordinarily make my eyes glaze over (MEGO):
Drawing on data from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging, the findings reveal that today’s older adults demonstrate better physical and mental functioning than their counterparts of earlier generations at the same age.
…but in my case, I have to say that I agree with the thing’s conclusion, just by comparing myself now to myself back then.
I not only feel the same as I did when I was 60, a decade ago, but I actually feel better.
In no small degree, I think this is because I’ve lost so much weight (thank you, Ozempic) and my health stats seem to have massively improved.
My mood has improved since November 2024 too (for obvious reasons) but beyond that, I feel as though I haven’t aged at all. Hell, sometimes I think I’m better off now than I was at fifty.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range. (No, not to the gym; the hell with that shit.)
“ And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range. (No, not to the gym; the hell with that shit.)”
This part made me laugh as I think it is true for many of the readers of this site the best blog on the web.
As far as the study goes – from the link
“ Factors Driving Improvements
Beard says that improvements in education, nutrition, and sanitation over the course of the twentieth century are likely to have played a key role. Medical”
I’ll agree sanitation is better today than it likely was before my time and in previous generations; nutrition is what each individual person chooses to eat, so nutrition is a wash it would seem.
Me thinks Trump can’t start the serious budget cuts or even the outright disbanding of the DEPARTMENT OF INDOCTRINATION soon enough.
Just put my B-I-L and S-I-L on the plane back to USA. He’s a former medico (specialist), mountain rescuer, cold weather specialist, survival specialist, anaesthetist (OK, anesthesiologist!). Sadly, he’s now become (at 84) an anxious, confused old man with the beginnings of Parkinsons (and we suspect with Lewey Bodies). He had a colon infection here which necessitated an emergency admission to hospital for four days and a long recovery period. Don’t think he’ll ever be here again. So sad.
I recall a Joan Rivers quip about exercise: if God wanted me to bend over, he’d have scattered diamonds on the floor.
Diamonds were then her price for bending over. Some women do it for cash. Some for other reasons. RIMSHOT (Pun INTENDED).
A higher proportion of previous generations were engaged in hard physical labor.