And what a good way to run into The Trump Years, Part II:
...[pro tip] the bomber’s name can probably be found in the FBI’s D.C. office phone directory. you maybe, yer Holeyness; just not to 95% of the country outside your diocese.
...buh bye, fuckwit.
Or, to put it more eloquently:
...ummm you lost me at the first three words.
...and I’m sure that Elon is just quaking in his boots.
...bubonic plague has a higher favorable rating than Disney.
...I’m sure his girlfriend was mightily impressed.
#ThirdWorld mean just like it did during Trump 1.0?
...did they just call Wales a nation of faggots?
...that’s a Guinness drought — which I think is actually against Irish law.
...and have waved away all rescue attempts because Britain. thing, all men will have to have a sign tattooed on their dicks which reads: “Joy juice may contain nut residue”
And in the most categorically link-free
...dude may be overconfident, here; she’s probably planning a breakup album about him as we speak.
From Reader GMC70, in Comments: “Frankly, Kim, I’m a bit surprised you haven’t discovered Kate Upton.” mean, this Kate Upton?
Well, consider me duly chastised.
And that’s the end of this boobs news roundup.
“Joy juice may contain nut residue” may also be responsible for spraying morning coffee on your laptop.
I thought containing nut residue was the whole point. 😀
“ Chicago Archbishop: Deportation of Illegals ‘Would Be Intolerable’”
I’m not listening to any advice or policy opinions from a corrupt organization that sells an intangible product known as religion aka fairy tails of which the participants fleece members of said cult and launder money and butt fuck little kids.
I have no issue with individuals who believe in god however organized religion is the biggest scam ever on this planet.
Im no model and shouldn’t judge, Kate Upton is cute not hot. I think Lauren Boebert is better looking that Kate Upton and as I have said before I think the hottest politician in America right now is Anna Paulina Luna. To each their own.
The people of Canada will be better off now that Justin Trudeau has resigned. One less liberal cock sucker in politics.
On today’s picture, “That, Mister Cavitt, is entertainment!”
On the Lauren Bobert picture, I don’t know how good she is with that pistol, but I wouldn’t want to find out. On her proposal to ban the ATF, that would be something I would love to see before my clock runs out. That would leave us with only the 40,000-armed IRS agents to deal with.
On the Nolte-exclusive: cranky old men like me have a higher favorability rating than Disney.
On the deadly allergy reaction, isn’t joy juice, by definition, “nut” residue?
Oops….beat me to it. 😛
That’s the one, Kim. Lovely thing, isn’t she? Of course, she’s attached to Justin Verlander. She assists his pitching by rubbing up his balls. (Sorry, couldn’t resist – when do pitchers and catchers report, again?)
I have no idea who you’re talking about, because my familiarity with baseball nowadays is about that of the Deutches Bundesliga — I know the names of some of the teams, and that’s about it.