Never Mind That Pesky Reality Stuff which the Climate Doomsayers are once again embarrassed by actual events:

Last year reinforced previous conclusions that hurricanes are neither becoming more frequent, nor more intense, as measured by the number of the stronger Cat 3, 4 and 5 storms and by accumulated cyclone energy (ACE), an index used to measure the activity of a cyclone/hurricane season.

Meanwhile a new study has found that the destructive power of hurricanes has declined in the Indian Ocean since the mid-1990s. Elsewhere there has been little trend at all, the study found.

And there are charts and charts of recorded data to underline those findings.

Not that this would trouble the Doomsayers, of course:

The BBC continue to ignore the real world data as well as the verdict of hurricane experts. Instead they remorselessly push the lie that hurricanes are getting worse.

At the end of last year’s Atlantic hurricane season, weatherman Ben Rich proclaimed that the season had ‘broken records’, when it was barely above average. He went on to state that global warming had made every Atlantic hurricane last year stronger, a claim propagated by the climate lobbyist group, Climate Central, without a shred of data to back it up.

Yeah, well, as everyone knows:  if the facts do not support the theory, they must be ignored.

And never so much as when the Great Lie of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© is being propagated.


  1. The only possible “truth” in all this is that hurricanes are more destructive now because silly humans insist on building homes/etc. in “hurricane alleys” more and more. Just like “today’s” Malibu fire causes more damage than the fire of 100-yrs ago because there are more homes built in Malibu today, homes that are magnitudes of more expense over those a century ago.

  2. There are “more” Hurricanes now simply because now with weather satellites we can detect and measure them. In the 50’s when I spent the Summers in Bristol and Sakonnet RI and Marion Mass the August Hurricanes had Names like Carol and Betsy and we had maybe 48 hours warning. Now they are Zeke and the Weather guessers have been touting them for 2 weeks. They used up most of the names for storms that never touched land or the US.

  3. re : ‘declined in the Indian Ocean’
    I have an alibi.
    I was out of town that day.
    I wish I could help…

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