So RFK Jr. got his nomination approved (that MFCS McConnell being the only flyshit in the Republican sugar, again).
I have to say that of all POTUS’s Cabinet nominations, this one makes me feel a little queasy because a) RFK used to be a Democrat, b) he’s a Kennedy Of That Ilk, and c) while he’s on board with the WuFlu vax thing, on some of his other positions (e.g. the environment) I’m not, shall we say, a supporter.
By all means go after the pharma corporations because they’re MFCS themselves. But stay out of Americans’ diets and food choices, because we’re Americans and we like our choices.
As long as this Kennedy stays on the reservation, well and good. But if not…
Just Kash Patel is yet to be confirmed.
One small quibble regarding “we like our choices.” Choice is often a marketing illusion. Down at the big grocery store, you can buy 57 different kinds of breakfast cereal, but they all have the same nasty ingredients … sugar, glyphosates, dyes, and whatnot. Also, you can buy many different pork cuts, but they all have vaccines and antibiotics. How is that choice? If I understand RFK correctly, he doesn’t want to restrict your choices, the way an old time commie would, but wants to get out the poisons allowed to be in our food supply and stop the government from promoting unhealthy food choices. Big Pharma takes advantage of our poor health, but in general they don’t cause it (except for vaccines). It’s Big Food that starts us down the path, beginning with the deadly food pyramid and continuing with a huge variety of addictive ingredients and outright poisons. If you want to stuff yourself with empty carbohydrates, you go for it, but the government shouldn’t be telling you that it’s a good idea based on a food pyramid created by the sugar industry in 1957 (or whenever). We’re at the “4 out of 5 doctors smoke Chesterfields” point with our food industry. We have to stop it before we’re all diabetic and autistic.
The Kennedy’s WERE NIT left wing liberals and hated the Eleanor Roosevelt wing of the party. In the fifties, the Kennedy’s often funded Nixon (cash only, no report) RFK Jr is about letting people make up their own minds. I imagine he is going to jawbone Big Food and require tougher disclosure on Big Pharma.
I believe RFK’s work is going to be along the lines of truth in advertising so consumers are informed about the food we eat. If he does go further than that and ban the use of certain chemicals in food, I’m okay with that. If he goes too far, Trump will pull the plug on anyone. The last time he was in office he had no trouble firing staffers. One guy lasted a week in office before he was fired for some reason.
RFK Jr spooks me a little bit too. As long as he stays on his patch, he should be OK. A “Controlled” explosion if you will.
I’m not thrilled with RFK Jr being part of the cabinet, but it’s an understandable political payback for his supporting the Donald. Better him in Donald’s cabinet instead of Kamala having a cabinet to appoint.
Hey, a member of the Kennedy dynasty that the Democrats hate can’t be all bad.
The Dems ought to be thankful RFK Jr. isn’t the new Attorney General.
None can make the claim that Trump’s cabinet is not diverse of ideas. Sure none of us will agree with everything each of these cabinet members support, however on few issues, they are agreeable. the racist Democrat death cult doesn’t tolerate any diversity of ideas
Sometimes Diversity of Ideas is not needed. Jeanne Rankin, the sole voter against the declaration of war on Germany in 1941 was never drawn into Roosevelt’s cabinet.