We’ve all seen recently that acolytes of the Left have been vandalizing Tesla cars, destroying Tesla charging points and attempting to damage Tesla dealerships — all because they disapprove of what Tesla founder Elon Musk has been doing to bloated government, or soemthing.
POTUS Trump calls these activities “domestic terrorism” while several people at CNN label them “a protest“.
I just want to see if I’ve got this clear.
So according to CNN: if I were to, say, firebomb Michael Moore’s (empty) house because I strongly disagree with all the things he’s said, that would be just “a protest” ?
What about painting “Lefty Scum” on Chuck Schumer’s car? Also “a protest” ?
How about circulating a bumper sticker like this one?
Would this too be an example of First-Amendment-protected “protest” ?
I’m just trying to understand the ground rules, here.
Until/when/if Trump & his conservative successors succeed in purging Soros/Obama judges who legislate from the bench, laws for thee and me are mere suggestions for the Left, and the Constitution applies only when politically expedient, and in those cases will be interpreted to mean what the Left needs at that moment.
The left loves political violence as long as it suits them. Hypocrisy is a hallmark of the delusional left.
didn’t CNN also report that BLM or Antifa or some other para military branch of the racist Democrat death cult was engaging in a “peaceful” protest while they lit a building on fire in the background? CNN hasn’t broadcast the truth in decades
When someone grabs the top dawg at CNN by the back of the head and slams their face down onto the desk so hard it sticks, the situation will change, and not one second sooner.
If you don’t penalize poor behavior you are automatically encouraging it.
I don’t want to get overly distraught about this — yet. But as wonderful as Trump’s election and the subsequent wonders we’ve seen almost daily that we thought we’d NEVER see in our lifetimes, this federal judiciary overreach threatens to derail the entire thing. We were at about 120 federal judicial orders to the executive branch the other day, with more being issued on a daily basis, it seems.
The commies have used the judiciary for decades this way, but slowly, stealthily and with an air of legitimacy provided by the Pravda press. Even many conservatives thought the only way to fight them was in the courts and we would get stuck in years-long litigation that we often lost. The commies were ruling from the bench. Now, that tactic has been supercharged and if we don’t do something, we will hurtle right to Venezuela before Trump’s term is finished. As I see it, there are only four solutions to this problem. If you can think of more, please share.
1. SCOTUS realizes we now have a REAL constitutional crisis, and it’s not Trump and Musk causing it, it’s Democrat judges. The separation of powers wall has not been breached, it’s been destroyed like the Biblical walls of Jericho. It has been obliterated. The SCOTUS has to issue a ruling defining this breach and giving the administration Carte Blanche to ignore these illegal orders. They cannot deal with them individually, the SCOTUS would have a full-time job on their hands, and would be able to here no other cases. Their first salvo in this fight has been disappointing, to say the least.
2. Failing the above, the Congress starts putting impeachment of federal judges on the fast track and starts tossing them off the bench. I’ll give you two guesses at how likely this is, and like SCOTUS trying to rule on each case individually, It would be a full-time job and they’d be able to do nothing else. Which, now that I reflect on it might not be such a bad thing. But, not gonna happen.
3. The administration can call this what it is, a true constitutional crisis and proclaim that they are not going to abide by any of these illegal orders, and the fed courts can FRO. They are not going to play in this game by filing appeals and wasting time with it. We won’t play in your kangaroo courts any longer, we’ve played make believe that all this was legitimate for far too long. They must be careful to actually appeal cases where there is jurisdiction, they have to abide by legitimate court rulings, and they have to explain clearly to the American people that if the courts play their PROPER role, they will respect the justice system. But the American people know bullshit when they see it. This course has a not insignificant probability of touching off a real civil war, however.
4. We start taking the approach in Kim’s bumper sticker with Hillary on it. If #1, 2, & 3 above fail, we will become Venezuela unless we start shooting judges. We’ve been at this juncture before. On April 19, 1775 with “the shot heard round the world.” They are not going to realize the error of their ways and stop issuing illegal orders. This is the final solution, and one I hope we don’t come to, but if the others fail, we have a decision to make. This or march to a banana republic.
I don’t see any other options, I would be grateful if someone could share some. I was ecstatic with Trump’s win. However, this tsunami of illegitimate federal judicial orders has me as worried as I have ever been in the last couple of decades. We are in real danger of the Republic falling apart, I believe. I am not speaking rhetorically here. Ben Franklin’s admonition comes to mind right now.
Kurt Schlicter’s Attack becomes more believable every day. Both sides of his scenario: the attack and the response.
Or John Ross’s novel from thirty years ago, “Unintended Consequences.”
I really hated Unintended because it was just a gun owner’s wet dream, totally divorced from reality.
I also thought Ross was a total asshole.
“I’m just trying to understand the ground rules, here.”
You think they want to issue rules for them to follow? They/them rules are only for you.