Asked And Answered


“Interestingly, this very segment [White men] produces by far the most of our engineers, and judging by what we have accomplished, they have done a damn good job,” he said. “Why do these ideologues want to run them down?”

Answer:  It is precisely because White men have produced this long, storied list of achievements, and the social justice warriors haven’t (and can’t), is the reason why they seek to run us down.

It’s the politics of envy, pure and simple — pulling the outstanding back into the herd — and there’s no accommodating or reasoning with this mindset.  The sooner we all recognize this — and crush these pathetic fuckers wherever we can — the happier and more successful we all will be.


  1. Just a few years back, I took my son to orientation day at a smaller college here in Texas. We first gathered in a large auditorium where they gave some rah-rah speeches about the school and went over the basic agenda. Then they had us separate and leave in groups to manage the large crowd. The groupings were based on student majors. This gave a good glimpse into the demographics of each major. Suffice to say that the majority of white and Asian male students went into engineering, and everyone else split into teaching, social studies, or other soft areas.

    In my own experience as an engineer with 30 years of working, there are more females and minorities in engineering now than in the past. But there have always been a mix of people. Engineering is the ultimate equalizer and respect is truly given strictly on skill, with no regard for any other irrelevant aspect. You either make the grade or you don’t, hurt feelings mean nothing.

    Damn shame the rest of life isn’t that simple.

  2. Someone should sit some of these idiots down and ask them if they’re prepared to cross over a bridge designed and built by an SJW or “math is for white people” person.

    1. Here ya go Rick. It’s already been done, but the victims were not given a choice.

      “The all-women engineering team that designed the ill-fated pedestrian foot bridge at Miami’s Florida International University were highly touted for their advances in a field that is typically dominated by men.
      But critics are pointing the finger of blame at the female engineers for design flaws that may have brought the bridge down.

      Investigators are still on the scene of last week’s bridge collapse that killed 6 people and injured 9 on the FIU campus in Southwest Miami.

      The investigation is focusing on the work done by a team of all-women engineers who were employed by one of the construction firms that designed and built the bridge.”

      And how about this affirmative action:
      “Munilla Construction Management (MCM), the South Miami-based firm that designed the FIU foot bridge, has been sued multiple times for unsafe practices in the past. ”
      It gets set aside jobs as a Hispanic owned minority business. They moved and placed the concrete span without its suspension system and a needed midspan temporary support across a moving stream of traffic.
      All more affirmative action bullshit. Numbers don’t know anything about PC or affirmative action. A bunch of Can’t Cunts were allowed to screw up and kill people for the sake of PC virtue signalling by Florida International University.
      I sincerely hope all involved are sued to a fare-thee-well, as organizations and individually, by the victims’ survivors.

  3. From

    “The all-women engineering team that designed the ill-fated pedestrian foot bridge at Miami’s Florida International University were highly touted for their advances in a field that is typically dominated by men.
    But critics are pointing the finger of blame at the female engineers for design flaws that may have brought the bridge down.

    Investigators are still on the scene of last week’s bridge collapse that killed 6 people and injured 9 on the FIU campus in Southwest Miami.

    The investigation is focusing on the work done by a team of all-women engineers who were employed by one of the construction firms that designed and built the bridge.”

    And how about this affirmative action:
    “Munilla Construction Management (MCM), the South Miami-based firm that designed the FIU foot bridge, has been sued multiple times for unsafe practices in the past. ”
    It gets set aside jobs as a Hispanic owned minority business. They moved and placed the concrete span without its suspension system and a needed midspan temporary support across a moving stream of traffic.
    All more affirmative action bullshit. Numbers don’t know anything about PC or affirmative action. A bunch of Can’t Cunts were allowed to screw up and kill people for the sake of PC virtue signalling by Florida International University.
    I sincerely hope all involved are sued to a fare-thee-well, as organizations and individually, by the victims’ survivors.

  4. Predictable outcomes based upon hard reliable numbers not subjective bullshit are why we have an incredible transportation system with all sorts of bridges and overpass systems full of heavy trucks and cars going about their business every day. Large airplanes land on huge airports, refuel and take off agains and we live and work in homes and buildings that we expect to stay put even through heavy weather, cold, wet and dry seasons because of engineering using numbers that yield predicable outcomes. It is impossible to look back on the history of modern inventions and not recognize that it has been white men doing most all of the work paying their dues with education and experimentation.

    I have no problem with any person male or female or any particular race coming on board and sharing their knowledge and developing the expertise as long as they are qualified to do the numbers and gain the experience. Some college degrees like mine in Marketing and Management are about 50% bullshit and the ability to apply the bullshit to motivate people to work better and purchase things they may or may not need, I don’t want bullshit people designing my infrastructure or equipment without having good hard engineering numbers and I for sure don’t want a person of uncertain gender with a sociology degree and an extensive knowledge of lesbian art history in charge of a team building the next bridge over the Mississippi River, chosen just because it is his/her turn to become a builder.

  5. I am an engineer who has been management for a number of years (still do engineering too) I interview engineers all of the time. I have hired my fair share or more of female and minorities too probably. All good, there are good ones to be found.

    I have no problem with encouraging whomever to go into STEM fields. Some people will not think of it unless shown, especially if there are not any in their families to make them think of it. Additionally, the crappy schools that a lot of minority kids go to are clueless about STEM; I talked to a black HS kid once who told me his guidance councilor was encouraging him away from engineering even though he had the grades for it “because there is no money in that field.” WTF?

    Anyway, the biggest trouble with getting female and minority engineers is that there are too many people recruiting them (including outside STEM fields). It certainly makes sense to advertise that.

    I have done my part though. My mixed (black to the .gov) sons are both in STEM fields. One a junior Mech E starting this fall and the other graduated but off to TBS and then flight school, so he will not be on the market for a while.

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