So Much For That Idea

Among the gun-controller / -abolitionist crowd, we often hear the tripe trope that “Guns should be kept at gun clubs, which should be the only place you get to shoot them” and “All gun owners should be registered members of gun clubs”, and so on, all to do with how wonderful gun clubs are in terms of controlling gun use and allowing only lawful shooting.  This, supposedly, will help end illegal gun use by criminals / terrorists / Trump supporters etc.

Then we see this little snippet:

Christchurch terror suspect ‘was member of New Zealand gun club where he practised shooting SAME AR-15 rifles used in horrific mosque massacres that left 49 dead’

…and another cherished little belief goes up in flames.

Gun clubs, and the restrictions attached thereto, do as much to stop random acts of violent crime as any of the other nostrums proposed by gun controllers, i.e. practically nothing.

So stop that shit.  You’re not fooling anyone except others of your own ilk.

Afterthought:  I would point out that this asshole, who was captured in the very act of his villainy, is no more a “suspect” than I’m a Democrat, but that’s an argument for another time.

One More Thing

The Christchurch terrorist was probably frightened off when he thought that the heroic guy who chased after him was armed, as noted here:

[Aziz] said the gunman ran back to his car to get another gun, so he threw a credit card machine at him.
He said he could hear his two youngest sons, 11 and five, urging him to come back inside.
The gunman returned firing but Mr Aziz said he ran past parked cars which prevented him from being shot. Mr Aziz spotted a gun the attacker had dropped and picked it up. He pointed it and squeezed the trigger but it was empty. He said the gunman ran back to the car for a second time to grab another weapon.
‘He gets into his car and I just got the gun and threw it on his window like an arrow and blasted his window,’ he said. ‘The windshield shattered, that’s why he got scared.’
He said the gunman was cursing at him, yelling that he was going to kill them all.
But he drove away and Mr Aziz said he chased the car down the street to a red light before it made a U-turn and sped away.

Couple-three points to be made here.  Firstly, all praise and kudos to Our Hero — I mean, chasing down a gunman with a card-reader?  Dude!  And considering that Aziz came from Afghanistan, this was probably a walk in the park by comparison to what he’s seen.  (“Only one  gunman?  Phooey.  Try ten  gunmen — now that’s  scary.”)

Secondly, note that even though Aziz was unarmed, the asshole thought  he had a gun and was shooting at him — hence the flight, and eventual capture.  I leave it to the imagination as to what might have happened had a few congregants been armed, but we all know that story.  Too bad it’s illegal to defend yourself with a gun in KiwiLand — because, of course, nothing bad has ever happened in New Zealand to justify that.  Until something bad did  happen.  And this was really  bad.

Finally, if any of those Muslim worshipers in Christchurch have ever supported, even philosophically, the acts of Muslim terrorism (and I’ll bet there are a few), just remember how it felt when it was happening to you.  I know this prick was a nutcase — but so are the extremist Muslims who do the same, or worse, to non-Muslims.

Jihad  cuts both ways, doesn’t it?

News Recap

…in which I summarize snippets of news that I couldn’t be bothered to spend more time over.

  1. Disney Corporation reinstates some director I’ve never heard of to make a movie I’m never going to see — yeah, whatever.  Falling tree, meet forest.
  2. Gummint assholes make a guy park somewhere else and try to destroy his business because his bumper sticker hurt their feewings — actually, his bumper sticker (Black Rifles Matter) simultaneously satirizes an anarcho-racist movement and makes a pro-Constitutional freedom statement.  Anyone know where I can get one?
  3. Piers Morgan talks a load of bullshit (again) — I know, not really news.  [totally unnecessary warning:  link contains Piers Morgan]
  4. Chelsea Clinton accused of  helping incite New Zealand massacre — you couldn’t cut irony this thick with a chainsaw.
  5. Senator Elizabeth Warren (1/1024 part-Cherokee) has no sympathy for parents who attempted to corrupt the college admissions process — where can I get my chainsaw sharpened?
  6. The French are revolting (again) — there’s only one answer to all this for granny-grabbing FrogPM Macron:  ban the weekend!  And finally:
  7. Kids skip classes (but for a “good cause”) — creates two (largely rhetorical) questions:  1) given how totally shit the public school system is (regardless of country), was this absence actually a better thing for the kids? and 2) will this mass walkout actually achieve anything concrete in affecting “climate change”?  (All those who attempted to answer “yes” to the latter question, put on the Dunce cap and go stand in the corner.)

Cartoon of the week (via Insty, thence Power Line):

Think of it as visual evidence of this thesis.

Not Quite, Amir

In the wake of the mass killings in New Zealand, boxer Amir Khan made this statement:

“Islamophobia kills and has no place in the world.”

Without in any way downplaying the tragedy in Christchurch or diminishing the horror that this asshole inflicted on his victims, let’s at least acknowledge that in the ledger of religion-inspired killings over the past half-century, Islam (or Islamophilia) has caused untold more deaths than Islamophobia (cf. around 3,000  on 9/11, to mention but a single incident).

Once again, I’m not trying to excuse the Australian terrorist’s wickedness — I think he should be boiled alive in oil — but let’s keep the proper perspective on this incident.

And one last thing:  Islamophobia is not endemic, but a reaction  against Islam’s perceived excesses (ISIS, 9/11, 10/10, Manchester bombing, etc.)

Islam’s enmity towards non-Muslims, however, is very much an integral part of their faith.  That  is irrefutable.

Comment Of The Day

…does not come from this website, for a change.  As we all know, Georgia was smacked by a couple tornadoes a little while ago, and while there was a lot of damage, this house miraculously escaped, pretty much unscathed, despite being directly in the tornado’s path.

And in the comments below the article came this absolute gem:

So Much For Dick

Here’s one piece of news that will gladden the hearts of all gunnies:

Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. said Tuesday it will stop selling firearms at 125 of its stores, further pulling back from the business after the retailer decided last year to tighten its policies around gun sales.
Dick’s has struggled with declining sales since its CEO Ed Stack made a public decision to stop selling guns to buyers under 21 and take assault-style weapons out of all stores after a fatal school shooting in Parkland, Fla. Dick’s is also working to stem sluggish sales as more shoppers buy sporting goods online.
This year Dick’s will remove guns and some hunting gear from 125 locations, after testing the concept in 10 stores last year, Mr. Stack said on a conference call Tuesday. Dick’s had 729 of its namesake locations as of Feb. 2. The space will be used to sell higher-margin, faster-selling categories such as licensed sports gear and outdoor recreation equipment, Mr. Stack said.

Yeah… good luck with those Nike T-shirts, Ed.

[pause to allow mocking laughter to subside]

In the article, there’s even better news about their stock price.  Cliff [sic]  Notes:

Can’t wait for Dick’s to go out of business altogether.  Feelgood, pandering fuckers.