5 Worst (Other) People To Think Of While Having Sex

Everyone’s been there (don’t even think of denying it):  you’re making the beast-with-two-backs with your honey and unbidden, someone else pops into your mind.  Here are the five worst / most inappropriate of such, ranked as always in ascending order of foulness:

For the ladies:

  • the Dalai Lama
  • Alan Alda
  • Woody Allen
  • Bill or  Hillary Clinton (tie)
  • Bruce Jenner

And for the guys:

  • anyone from Jersey Shores (the TV show or  the place itself)
  • Milo Yannopoulos
  • your ten-year-old stepdaughter
  • Maxine Waters
  • Caitlyn Jenner

Your suggestions in Comments… when you’ve stopped throwing up, that is.

Yeah, I’m Going To Do That

Then there’s this news:

Google has unveiled its plan to put a smart device in every room of the home as part of its digital ‘ecosystem’ that could be manipulated to eavesdrop on users.
The tech giant’s smart home concept, unveiled at a one-off event in San Francisco, showcased Google Assistant at its full potential.
It combined speakers, smart plugs, voice controlled vacuums, smart displays and cameras throughout the house.
Its digital ecosystem is designed to enable communication between rooms and family members – even if they are not at home.

Yup… here’s when I’ll be doing this:

And probably not even then.

I don’t care how “convenient” they make my life but Google Home and Alexa can go fuck themselves, they and their parent companies both.


Here’s an interesting news snippet:

Antifa expands its hit list as political violence escalates

Well, well, well.  I wonder just how far Pantifa will go to expand their little “hit list”.  And when you’ve lost Stephen Colbert

I mean, I’m not as well-known as Tucker Carlson, but I am kinda known around the place thanks to my various blogs over the years — and quite frankly, when it comes to being conservative, I make ol’ Tucker look like an old-school liberal Democrat.  If this crowd is all about Smash Racism, I did write Let Africa Sink, after all (not that I think the essay is racist, but then again, it’s exponentially more controversial than anything Tucker has ever said).  So could I make the Pantifa Expanded Hit List in the future?  This might get interesting.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.

About That Single-Payer Health Service

Not that I need to belabor the point, but any “free” government health service is going to cost you.  In almost every such case, it’s when Gummint decides that you’ve had enough.  Here’s one from Britain’s NHS:

A hero RAF rear gunner who evaded capture by the Nazis in 1942 after being shot down over Belgium has been told to sell his house to pay medical bills as he has ‘survived too long’.

(I have to warn you that if you read that whole story, you ought to remove all throwable objects and guns out of reach — and even more so for the next one.)

Over in oh-so caring Europe comes this horrifying story:

Dutch authorities are prosecuting a doctor for euthanising an elderly woman with dementia in the first case of its kind since the practice was legalised in 2002.
The doctor, who was not named, has been charged with secretly drugging the woman’s coffee with Dormicum to make her drowsy and asking her family to hold her down as she was lethally injected in a care home in The Hague in 2016.
Whilst the 74-year-old patient was receiving the lethal injection she woke up and began fighting the doctor.

(I should also point out that the Dutch doctor was a woman, which somehow just makes it worse.)

I know, I know:  “Oh, that could never happen over here in the U.S.” — until it does.  When to comes to money, every government will eventually resort to violence;  try to find someone who has ever dealt with the I.R.S. over an unpaid tax liability, and not felt threatened by the experience.  You won’t.

Thinking Small

Saw this SOTI (somewhere on the Internet):

Nice sentiment, but not ambitious enough.  Consider these options:

Or, if we’re going to “own them all”, let’s look at some other cartridge options, grouped together for the sake of convenience:

You see, I don’t want anyone to be constrained in their thinking… think big, people.  Own them all.

And remember National Ammo Day on November 19th.