
Longtime Readers will know that I am often scornful of modern architecture on these here pages, but I have to admit that occasionally some light does shine through the gloom.  Here’s one example from, of all places, Shanghai, where somebody decided to put a played-out quarry to good use.  Before:

…and after:

…followed by a night-time shot:

We could use a few of those Over Here.  Gawd knows we have enough quarries and de-topped mountains (e.g. in Kentucky, eastern Ohio, West Virginia and Montana, to name but a few) which would support a decent-sized chain called (say) Quarry Hotels, Inc.

And if we’re not going to use the quarries for any other purpose (e.g. to bury all the dead socialists after The Glorious Day)…

And You Thought We Were Exaggerating

Here’s a Vegan-Goes Crazy story from… Italy?

A 48-year-old Italian vegan has been ordered to pay her mother compensation after threatening to kill her for making traditional Bolognese meat sauce.
The smell of one of Italy’s most cherished dishes — ragù — was enough to set off a domestic disturbance that ended with the mother being threatened with a kitchen knife, a court heard.
Newly unemployed, the daughter had recently moved back in with her mother, who cooked in the typical tradition of rezdore, as housewives are called in the local Emilia Romagna dialect.
One of the signature dishes of every rezdore is Bolognese meat sauce, slow simmered for hours using a variety of meats including diced prosciutto cured ham, ground beef and sometimes chicken livers, then served over pasta or polenta.
Lawyers for the mother, who asked not to be named, said the family dynamic had degenerated due to irreconcilable conflicts over the mother and daughter’s different food cultures — the former heavy in butter, cream and meat, the latter exempt of all animal products.
The daughter told a court she’d long had “no sensory nor olfactory contact” with animal products before moving back in with her mother, for whom the rich, red meat sauce was standard fare.
Lawyers said there had been an escalation of aggressive episodes – always over food — before the threat that triggered the complaint.
Exasperated by the smell of meat sauce simmering for hours in the small apartment they shared, the daughter grabbed a knife and threatened to take matters into her own hands.
“If you won’t stop on your own then I’ll make you stop. Quit making ragù, or I’ll stab you in the stomach,” she said, according to the mum’s civil complaint.
Justice of Peace Nadia Trifilò sentenced the woman to pay a €400 court fine and ordered €500 be paid in compensation to her 69-year-old mother.
The case, argued in the Modena tribunal and reported by the local Gazzetta di Modena newspaper, stems from an argument that escalated out of control in March, 2016.
After failing to reach a peaceful mediation of the dispute over the last two years, the judge closed the case ruling in favour of the mother, ordering fines.

And this happened originally in 2016?  It’s just like Bill Sitwell and I said:  they’re getting out of control.

By the way, am I the only one who started to salivate at the description of that Bolognese sauce?

Screw The Ignorant Vote

It always pains me when people encourage others to vote “even when they aren’t familiar with the issues”.  Here’s my take on that opinion:

Ummm no.  If you don’t know why you’re voting and what you’re voting for, then stay the fuck at home.  Some ignoramus showing up at the polling booth and voting for the first name on the ballot, or voting for the woman just because “it’s her turn”, or voting for the person who looked good on the campaign poster outside the polling station — any or all of these maggots’ votes are negating the votes of people who actually took the time to study the candidates, evaluate their positions, foresee the likely consequences of the policies they support, and in short, who know what the hell the election is all about.

It is no surprise that it’s largely the Democrats who send buses around poorer areas to “help the underprivileged to vote”, when in fact it’s precisely these people who are pig-ignorant and most likely to be swayed by empty promises, free stuff and unaffordable giveaways (i.e. most positions on the Democrat party platform).

So if you don’t know what’s going on at these mid-term elections, stay at home and watch soap operas or Real Housewives Of Cook County, and leave the voting to people who can be entrusted to make decisions.

Don’t Vote If You’re Ignorant.

And by the way, I also don’t subscribe to the line that if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain about what happens afterwards.  In the first place, your vote may mean diddly — e.g. mine when I lived in Chicago, and my “representative” Jan “Commie Bitch” Schakowski would get reelected year after year with about 70% of the vote.  My not voting did not disqualify me from complaining afterwards, as my several emails to her office would attest.  (I know, beginning them with “Dear Commie Bitch” may have been counterproductive, but that salutation in and of itself at least may have given her office a clue that not all of her constituents kept a well-thumbed copy of Das Kapital  next to the bed.)  In the second place, the First Amendment guarantees your right to complain no matter what happened before.  But far be it for me to use a mere Constitutional precept to buttress my case.

Not As Painted

It’s often said about the .dotmil that while amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics.

And considering that the “caravan” of mopes moving through Mexico to El Norte The Promised Land has often been termed an invasion (which it is), let me point out that over at Sarah’s place, Bill Reader has been studying the logistics of said caravan.  Not to be a spoiler or anything, but the conclusion is simple:  they ain’t walking.  Bill’s details will supply you with ample ammunition — another military allusion — for any conversations you may have with scumbags of the no-border persuasion (provided you’re actually conversing with them and not kicking their asses, that is).


The caravan started in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Sources vary slightly on the exact day they set off, with Fox and USA Today saying the 12th, and Daily Mail saying the 13th. By October 23rd, according to USA Today, they were interviewing people passing through Huixtla, Mexico. We also know that the caravan didn’t take the very shortest route per GoogleMaps, because some of the places noted in the NBC photo-essay—Quezaltepeque, Guatamala, and Chiquimula, Guatemala—are on a slightly more southern route. All told the distance traveled in 12 days—and that’s being generous, counting from the 12th, counting the full day of both the 12th and the 23rd as travel days, and ignoring that the caravan seems to have stalled out for almost a full day when it hit the border starting on the 18th— was 471 miles. That’s a pace of nearly 40 miles a day.

And as Bill points out later, elite units of the .dotmil (SEALs, Rangers etc,) can only do 50 miles a day on tarred roads in perfect weather conditions.  Civilians with families?  Feel free to draw your own conclusions.

But here’s his best bit, in my opinion:

“But in recent days, officials from Mexico’s immigrant protection agency have organized rides for straggling women and children as a humanitarian effort. And police have routinely stood by as migrants piled aboard freight trucks.”

To which I will add only two other comments—while the story given here sounds plausible, isn’t it convenient that the women and children, depending on how far they get rides, could also be the first to arrive at the border, to be confronted by several Army divisions? I’m not alone in thinking this is the long game of this caravan. Sarah and I have talked at some length about this, and if it follows the history of communist organized protests everywhere (stay tuned!), we can expect a pregnant woman to be shot.  We’re calling her Maria De La Cruz, at present, as a convenient placeholder name until she presents herself.

Yup.  We’re already being shown pictures of wailing infants in the caravan, to start the knee-jerk charitable reaction of Americans when confronted with same.  I’m not taking bets on Some Pore Refugee Woman / Child getting shot or beaten — it’s a sucker bet.

This is also the same policy with Palestinians:  when it comes to conflict with an army, it’s women and children first.  “Human shields”, in other words, while the organizers sit in air-conditioned offices far away from the strife (e.g. Chicago — read Bill’s post for an explanation).

The best part, however, is that Maria De La Cruz probably won’t make it to the U.S. border before the mid-term elections on Tuesday — not unless she’s got a Ferrari to carry her the rest of the way.

Don’t bet against that, either.

Now, as for who is behind this caravan business, read Bill’s second article on the topic. (Spoiler:  Commie ratbastards.)