Catching Up, So To Speak

Sorry for the late post, but I was recovering.

Fact is, I got married yesterday to my first-ever girlfriend Angie, after over forty-odd years apart.  Here we are as teenage sweethearts:

Yes, that’s my genuine boys’-boarding-school haircut on display.

This was a much-older Kim & Angie, after dinner at III Forks in Dallas, last night:

How we got back together again is a long and rather boring tale, and I may share it with y’all some time in the future.

We were married by the Reverend-Doctor Combat Controller at Doc Russia’s house, surrounded by my family and that of Bobby K (Tech Support II), and by the miracle of Teh Intarwebz, with Angie’s family in Johannesburg, London and Melbourne as well.

So there was a woman out there willing to put up with all my nonsense, after all.  I just had to go back to South Africa to find her.

Veganuary Report: Week 1

In honor of Veganuary, I will be posting my daily food intake each Saturday evening for the rest of the month.

Jan 1:  Bacon & scrambled eggs (breakfast), leg of lamb, asparagus & sweet potato (dinner)

Jan 2:  Boerewors & egg (breakfast), pastrami sandwich & cole slaw (dinner), beef biltong snack

Jan 3:  Boerewors & egg (breakfast), BBQ pulled pork & cole slaw (dinner)

Jan 4:  Boerewors & egg (breakfast), fish (cod) & chips (dinner)

Jan 5:  Bacon & scrambled eggs (breakfast), ham sandwich (lunch), beef bourguignon (scheduled for a late dinner tonight)   lobster bisque, pork chop, mash potatoes and veg (dinner).

In case you’re wondering, I eat a VERY early breakfast on weekdays because I’m up at 4am for Uber duty, and it’s just easier to warm up a piece of sausage to eat in the car.  I always have at least half a dozen hard-boiled eggs in the fridge both for breakfast and as an occasional salad component.

All non-vegan suggestions are welcome in Comments.  Vegan commentary can fuck off.

Good Advice

I remember the brouhaha when Insty suggested that motorists, when faced with rioters blocking roads, simply “Run. Them. Down.”

And what should We The People do, when violent rioters and activists start threatening our food supply?

Farms, abattoirs and factories have been subjected to vandalism, and owners and staff sent death threats during an alarming increase in incidents.
But a minority of vegan campaigners want the UK to become a meat-free society and are going to extreme lengths to achieve their goal.
The National Pig Association and the British Poultry Council are among the organisations being advised by specialist police.
Leading food writer William Sitwell recently described the vitriol he faced after making a flippant comment about vegans.
“There were threats to rape my wife, tie her up and cut off her genitals,” he told this newspaper.
According to an investigation by Channel 4 Dispatches, Jewish workers were branded Nazis when members of vegan group SAVE began protesting outside kosher Kedassia abattoir in East London two years ago.
Some broke in and daubed the walls of the abattoir with anti-Semitic slogans, according to the programme, and one protester yelled: ‘It’s a holocaust. You Nazis!’
SAVE admitted on Facebook it was responsible for daubing Holocaust images, initially suggesting the use of the term was justified, but it later apologised.

Big of them.  Over Here, I’m trying to think what I’d do if I was faced with this situation at Kroger:

I’m thinking polite requests to let me through at first.  Then trying to force my through.  (This bunch of skinny malnourished twerps would not be able to offer much resistance, methinks.)

However, if they were to turn violent, or even threaten violence?  Maybe I’m over-imagining things, mind you, because I don’t see this nonsense getting much traction in the United States, and certainly not in Texas except (maybe) in Austin, where I’m willing to bet that the vegan infestation is six times that of anywhere else in the state.  And I don’t shop for food in Austin, ever.  (Hell, I hardly even visit  the place except when I’m visiting Longtime Friend Trevor.)

It strikes me that these fucking headcases are quick to threaten violence to get their own way.  Perhaps they need a quick lesson or two in real violence, just to keep them in their place in the social pecking order.

I’m not thinking of going to the guns, of course:  this situation doesn’t even come close to that course of action.  However, I do think I need to invest in a can or two of decent pepper spray.  Anyone have recommendations as to brands and / or strengths?

Alternative Ending


…and the devastating comment underneath:

“Too bad it wasn’t torpedoed and sunk at sea with all hands instead.”

*Seen On The Internet or  Somewhere On The Internet, mostly used by people (like me) who either forgot where they saw it or couldn’t be arsed to look it up.


A little while ago, two Socialist senators (Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris) described the Knights of Columbus as an “extremist organization” which would be funny except that the Communist cows really meant it.  In response, one of the Grand Poobahs of the K.C. responded with a lovely letter which described their past good works and future activities.

I was particularly struck by this passage:

“We wish to formally invite you all to join us for any social or charitable event.  In fact, this February we are doing the Polar Plunge to raise funds for DC Special Olympics.  You and anyone you know are more than welcome to join us either jumping in the cold water or sponsoring our team.”

…which prompted me to write a letter to Hizzoner (I’m not Catholic, I don’t know the correct appellations) Patrick O’Boyle which included this request:

Please let me know if both or either of the senators have accepted your kind offer to participate in the Polar Plunge, as I would like to get there early and attach a teeny piece of concrete to those participants’ ankles prior to their immersion.

Hey, the Catholic Church used to dunk witches, didn’t they?  As all my Readers know, I’m a great one for old traditions.  And tell me these two foul creatures don’t look like they qualify…


In fact, I have it on good authority that Hirono once turned someone into a newt.  (Which would explain quite a lot, actually…)