Throwing Money Into The Pit

When I wrote Let Africa Sink all those years ago, one of my main arguments for so doing was that giving aid to Africa just didn’t work, and was a waste of money.

Needless to say, I was called a “racist”, “stupid” and “heartless” (among other names) by the Bleeding Heart Set.

Well now, lookee here:

Proof that foreign aid DOESN’T work: Scathing report reveals £11million scheme backed by Bono failed to reduce poverty or hunger

Feel free to read the details for reasons why, but if you’re pressed for time, don’t bother.  It’s just the usual African catalog of corruption, venality and inefficiency.

So the next time some celebrity asks you to give money to some fashionable charity, save your money and spend it on something that actually provides a benefit to someone — you (e.g. with a new gun, fine liquor or similar).  Or if you’d rather invest the money, head to a casino because your odds of winning there are better than your donation to Pore & Starvin Inc. making a difference.

Yeah, I’m heartless.

Silly Rabbit

At RealClearPolitics, Betsy McCaughey asks this question at the end of her article:

“Democrats in favor of socialism need to take a hard look at the results in Venezuela and Cuba.  Is that what they want for America?”

Oh good grief, of course they do.  They just want to ensure that they are at the top of Failed Socialist Experiment #76 so that they can a.) get obscenely wealthy and b.) thus be shielded from the outcome of the failure.  What happens to the working classes is, as always, irrelevant.

As for the author:  it’s well-meaning but naïve people like this who fail to understand fully the evils of socialism and its proponents.

Imagine Being Patient #4,154,560

The next time some dreamy pinko starts whining about how wonderful Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is, feel free to show him or her this article (when you are done kicking their ass, of course):

The NHS waiting list in England is the longest it has been in 11 years, official figures have revealed today.
A staggering 4,154,559 people – around six per cent of the entire UK population – were waiting to start hospital treatment at the end of August.  This number is the highest it has been since August 2007, and more than 3,000 people have been waiting more than a year for routine treatment.
A&E [ER] departments are also getting busier and cancer treatment waiting times have been missed for the 32nd month in a row, NHS data showed.  Experts today warned ‘alarm bells’ are ringing and the health service is heading straight for another winter crisis as it buckles under ‘relentless pressure’.  An ageing population and shortages of doctors and nurses have been blamed for increasing strain on the NHS and it taking longer to treat patients.

But hey… as long as it’s free, right?

And speaking of free, of course it turns out that “free” also means “rationing” (emphasis mine):

Shortages of Fluad, a new super-vaccine offering better protection for over-65s, means pensioners across the country are being turned away by GPs.  Deliveries of the vaccine to surgeries and pharmacies are being staggered due to supply problems and 40 per cent of the 7.8 million doses will not be available until next month.
The Government’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommended Fluad last December, but it took NHS England until February 5 to tell GPs and pharmacies they needed to buy it.  Clinics that failed to order by the April 12 deadline have had no stock delivered, forcing them to beg for supplies from others.

So if you’re (say) 63 years old, British and catch a potentially-deadly strain of flu, that’s just too bad.  Life’s lottery — or, to be more precise, the NHS lottery — just gave it to you between the cheeks.

Wear boots when kicking.


No Way

Talking about some fresh unhinged lunacy perpetrated by the Democrats last week,  Insty’s Ed Driscoll opined:

As Conquest’s third law of politics states, “The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”

With all respect to Ed (and to Mr. Conquest), I would suggest that there is no way that the hapless Republicans could engineer such a mess.  The GOP couldn’t organize an orgy at a brothel, let alone control this bag of cats.

Nope;  the Democrats’ current insanity is completely self-managed, fueled by copious amounts of liberal stupidity and Marxism [some overlap].

So Much For THAT Campaign

So one-time-moderate Republican Phil Bredesen is campaigning for the U.S. Senate seat in Tennessee, as a Democrat.

One might think that this would be an uphill battle as it is;  but apparently the people who are trying to get this tool elected said this recently:

A top spokesman for the Tennessee Democratic Party’s effort to get Phil Bredesen elected senator has said he views “white male” gun owners as “the biggest terrorist organization on the planet.”

In Tennessee.  Well, I guess there’s only one thing to say to Bredesen:  buh-bye.

In the meantime, all you dangerous white male gun-owning terrorists should do the responsible thing — no, not that thing, the voting thing.

And let’s make sure that Marsha Blackburn isn’t the only Republican sent to the Senate come November.  Ditto the House.

November 6 just can’t come quickly enough.