That’s cold as ice, baby…
…and it makes me want to buy a pair of those boots.
By the way: whatever happened to Timberland stores? They used to be in every upscale mall in the country.
That’s cold as ice, baby…
…and it makes me want to buy a pair of those boots.
By the way: whatever happened to Timberland stores? They used to be in every upscale mall in the country.
Just to prove that Millennials didn’t invent this silly fascination with multi-sexuality, here’s a piece of literature from the 1950s:
No, I don’t understand it either. I am so hopelessly old-fashioned…
…and every time a fresh unprovable accusation is made against Kavanaugh, I’ll print another one of these.
I may need a bigger blog.
“You may make a bad mistake; the company you work for can make an even worse mistake; but to really screw things up, you need government.”
Kim’s Corollary:
“…and the higher the level of government, the exponentially-greater the mistake will be.”
Hence the recent pronouncement which basically states that absolutely everything the fucking federal government has ever told you about health and nutrition, is wrong. Not just wrong, but catastrophically wrong.
As I’ve said countless times before: I longer believe anything the government — any level of government — tells me, whatever the topic.
And if we want to wander into the Tinfoil Hat Forest ever so slightly, we may note that in the above case, the beneficiaries of said bad governmental advice have been the pharmaceutical companies who, incidentally, hire lobbyists and donate barrow-loads of money to politicians.
Protip: if you ever look at the “Department” subheadings under my post title, and see the words “Advice” and “Gummint” appearing simultaneously, you’ll have fair warning as to where the post content will be going.
For the next week or so the press coverage is going to be “all-Kavanaugh / Blasey-Ford-all-the-time”, so I thought I could bring forward yet another example of conservative hijinks molestation of womyns:
Wake me up when it’s all over and Brett Kavanaugh is seated on the Supreme Court, willya?
1) “Sobbing vegan, 23, breaks into a slaughterhouse and chains herself next to a calf for animal rights protest” — They should have spared the calf and slaughtered the vegan.
2) “Sex robots BACKLASH as brothel workers reveal fury over ‘dehumanising and dangerous’ droids” — wait a minute: prostitutes are accusing their competition as “dehumanising” ? We will now observe two minutes’ silence to mark the death of irony.
3) “Jane Fonda tells accused #MeToo harassers like Louis CK looking to make a comeback to ‘sweep the floor at Starbucks until you learn!’ ” — Tell you what, you rancid Commie traitor: you could sweep the floors at every Starbucks in the world, and we still wouldn’t forgive you for the Hanoi trip.
4) Britain’s armed forces are about to go tits-up — My favorite take out of this article is the description of an armored unit as “Operation Tethered Goat”. Actually, it’s a tragic story, so read it all. (In case anyone starts murmuring “Malvinas”, the only military in worse shape than Britain’s is Argentina’s.)
5) NYC Home Sellers Are Slashing Prices “Like It’s 2009” — so prices of NYFC residential real estate are now simply “exorbitant” as opposed to “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me”. My feelings on the matter:
…and finally, some happy news:
6) Oktoberfest has begun in Germanland — although my experience with Oktoberfest (in Munich, anyway) has been weak beer and raucous drunks, neither of which I can tolerate. There are a couple of compensations, though:
Then again…