Back when I were a lad — this would have been just after they discovered the wheel — it was common practice for a teacher to smack your hand with a ruler each time you made a mistake in your grammar.
[pause to allow Millennial snowflakes to recover from this tale of unspeakable brutality]
So I’d like to find the person who did the copy for this sign, and whack their grubby hand three times:
The first transgression is easy: their for they’re — or to be an even bigger stickler for form (and I am), “they are” because an apostrophe on a sign is a big no-no. That said, I’ve pretty much given up on complaining about the “their” / “they’re” / “there” mistake because most people nowadays are fucking illiterate and are either too uneducated or too lazy — both are inexcusable — to bother with correct grammar.
Ditto the incorrect use of the word they for “their privacy” in the sign-off statement. Without bothering to check, I’ll take an educated guess that the copywriter is Black because this grammar is right out of Ebonics 101. (I may be wrong, but I doubt it.)
The third transgression on the sign, however, is one that drives me absolutely crazy, and if offered a ruler and the offending copywriter’s hand, I would instead deliver a resounding smack to the side of the fool’s head with my open hand.
Folks, this isn’t difficult. If you want to make sure of something (e.g. customers’ privacy as in the above), that is to “ENsure”. If you’re going to “INsure” something, you need to call Liberty Mutual and take out a policy. So unless an INsurance company is going to pay out money each time Wally World breaches someone’s privacy, the correct word is “ENSURE”.
And speaking of Wally World: whoever hired the moron who wrote the copy for this sign also needs not a smack on the hand but an almighty kick in the balls. I know that WalMart generally feeds out the bottom of the staffing barrel because they’re too stingy to pay decent wages, but that doesn’t excuse this. Nothing can.
FFS, I need to stop reading so early in the morning: it’s barely light outside and I need a bloody gin & tonic already.