Thought Experiment

If you could be transported back in time to any five historical events, which ones would you choose to witness?

Assume that it would be in your mind’s eye only, so you could not be involved in, change or be physically affected by the event, and you could come back to the present at any point you wished.  Also assume, though, that you could take photographs (or videos) to prove that you were there and what you saw.

Mine are below the fold.

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“Come See The Violence

…inherent in the system!” is Eric Idle’s iconic wail in the Monty Python And The Holy Grail  movie, when King Arthur finally loses his patience and pushes the mouthy peasant to the ground.  Funny as hell.

And then we have this:

Enoch Burke has been at the centre of a trans right row in Ireland for over two years now – but he’s not the only member of his family facing endless legal woes.

In May 2022, the former history teacher told the headteacher at his school in County Westmeath that his Evangelical Christian beliefs meant he ‘opposed transgenderism’ and later criticised his boss’ ‘demand’ to use the child’s new name in front of staff and students.

It sparked a chain of events that has led to him being jailed for repeatedly showing up at Wilson’s Hospital School in County Westmeath after being sacked, and entering the staff room saying he was there to do his job. 

Enoch has spent over 300 days in Mountjoy Prison in Dublin and has no prospect of release because he refuses to comply with a court order to stay away from the school premises. Earlier this year, he refused a High Court offer to spend Easter out of prison and accused the judge of colluding with the school. 

Earlier this week, Enoch’s sister Ammi lost an unlawful dismissal appeal at the Court of Appeal and was criticised for her ‘utterly appalling and egregious’ behaviour during proceedings.

In May this year, Ms Burke was also found guilty of obstructing a garda during a ‘commotion’ on 7th March last year at the Four Courts. 

During the incident, her father ‘flung’ a female garda to the ground behaving ‘like a red rag to a bull’ after his wife was escorted out of court.

Mind you, it should be said that the entire family in question seems to be a bunch of raving nutcases (although this is not too uncommon in Ireland), but note how the whole thing has snowballed into some serious shit, all from something completely innocuous:  because a man refused to use someone’s “proper” name.

That’s almost as bad as calling an anarcho-syndicalist a “bloody peasant”.

Modus Operandi, or S.O.P.

From Steve Kruiser:

Attorney General Merrick Garland spent some time Capitol Hill on Tuesday, sparring with Republicans who, once again, were expressing their extreme displeasure with the way he does business but not really doing anything about it.

Yeah well, “expressing extreme displeasure but not really doing anything about it”  are the actual lyrics from the Battle Hymn Of The Republic[an Party].

Put another way:  the Democrat Socialists are driving the country towards the precipice, while the Republicans are timidly asking them to please apply the brakes now and again, but not too hard.

Useless bunch of eunuchs.

S.O.P. — Standard Operating Procedure.  Or Stupid Old Party.  Take your pick.

News Roundup

So let’s untether the news.

...what’s that, Lassie?  Pigs flying overhead?’s a newsflash for that 80%:  takeout food has ALWAYS been a luxury.

And in the People’s Soviet of Kalifornia: how’s that $20/hour wage thing working, then?  And speaking of failures:

...hey, if Americans aren’t going to buy our shitty Duracell Cadillacs, we’ll just flog them to gullible Brits.

In Glueball JewHate News:

...dkfiem dmrk mgfrdw gymjxd  (sorry, can’t type when I’m laughing hysterically).

...note to the Muzzies:  when you’ve lost the Germans, you’re in big trouble.

...I wonder exactly how many Izzies have visited the Maldives in the past ten years… oh, none?  Talk about a painless gesture.

...and we’ll feed your rotting corpses to pigs.  Fair deal?

And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© comes this:

(oh… Venezuelan, not Mexican.  Sorry for the confusion.)

...well, except for the fact that the Izzies were going back to their homeland instead of fleeing it, Il Papa has it absolutely correct.  You know, if this fucking moron can’t get the Bible straight...

And in Furrin Election News:

...just as long as they don’t start assassinating Austrian politicians again, we’ll all be good.

And on to


And in :

...we saw this curry-flavored totty not long ago on these pages, but sometimes repetition can be A Good Thing, yes?


And just one flashback pic to when Our Padma was still a sprightly youngster of 40:

And that’s the end of it all.