Getting Burned

Loyal Readers will remember this happy event:

Seems as though this Old Phartte popped his clogs at age 91, and decided that because his grandchildren had never bothered to visit him while he was in hospital, that they weren’t worthy of getting any of his loot once he was gone. So instead of cutting them out of his will, he left them each only a few bucks.

Needless to say, the grandchildren sued the estate, claiming that they were “entitled” to a third, rather than the 0.0001% thereof specified in his will.

Anyway, this group of ingrates lost their case, and a damn good thing it is too.  And for the record, they’re as ugly as they are greedy.

I know, I know:  you loved the outcome as much as I did.


Five granddaughters who were handed just £50 each of their grandfather’s £500,000 fortune because he was ‘hurt’ they never visited him have been ordered to pay £220,000 in court costs.

I love a story with a happy ending.  Especially when it comes to greedy assholes getting their comeuppance.  Like this lot:

What I’ve Shot: S&Ws Of My Acquaintance, Part 1

One of the topics suggested to me by a couple Readers was:  “Talk about some of the guns you’ve shot before;  likes / dislikes etc.”

That’s a BIG topic, because I have shot hundreds of different guns over the course of my gun-loving existence.

And while we’re there, let me remind everyone that I’m not a gun enthusiast or gun expert.  I am a gun lover.  I love shooting guns, with a passion that seems to have remained more or less constant for about sixty years, starting with my first, a Diana air rifle, all the way to whatever gun I blazed away with last week.

Actually, I do remember what I fired last week:  my bedside gun (Smith & Wesson Mod 65), nominally in .357 Magnum, but realistically best shot loaded with .38 Special (or +P for goblin dispatch).  Of all S&W revolvers, this is unquestionably my favorite.

The very first time I held a Mod 65 in my hand, I fell in love with it.  It just points, in the same way that my index finger points, directly at the target.  And even though I don’t shoot it with exemplary accuracy, I still love shooting it, and that’s one of the reasons it’s my primary bedside gun.

Now I’ve owned a couple more  — still own a Mod 637 Airweight, for that matter — but I’ve never been a huge aficionado of S&W wheelguns.  (My late buddy Airboss had, as I recall, over three dozen S&W snubbies.  Now that’s an aficionado.) There’s no reason for my apparent indifference for the brand.  Smith makes excellent guns of all kinds, but I’ve just never owned that many.

Which is why I’m going to kick off this series — and oh yes, a series it will be — with this manufacturer’s handguns:  the ones that I’m least familiar with.  (I must mention at this point that this is not going to be a S&W history lesson, nor even a catalog of their guns.  There are lots of those around, so I’m not even going to try to add yet another of them.)

So other than the above two, which I’ve fired a lot, here are a couple that I’ve fired before, and wouldn’t mind owning.  They are in no special order, and I’ve used linked pics so that if you’re tempted…

Might be the “better” of the 65/66 options, in that it’s in a sturdier “L” frame (the 65/66 have the lighter “K” frame), comes with a 6″ barrel and has an adjustable rear sight.  Certainly, if I was doing any kind of competitive shooting, this would be my choice over the 65.  But only then.  And while I love the 586 / 686 line — it’s as accurate as all hell — I still prefer shooting the Colt Python.  And speaking of blued .357 revolvers (which I prefer over the stainless):

…except I’d swap out the rubber grips for wooden ones, because for this gun, wood is prettier.

S&W’s “kit guns” are well represented by this model.  I’ve shot several, and my only comment about them is that in my hands, anything shorter than a 4″ barrel is simply a waste of ammo.  Never been able to shoot the snubby versions worth a damn.  (And FYI, that’s not true of other snubby brands:  I have no problem hitting what I’m aiming at with shorter barreled Ruger SP101s or Colts, for example.)

Smith & Wesson 500 Revolver .500 S&W

Here’s me shooting the 500:

…and that’s with a muzzle brake.  Pass.

More of the same later.

News Roundup

And to help with yer digestion, some news from the Dept. of Education:

...yee haaa.

And speaking of boners:

...of course she wasn’t.  She was just showing a Gen Z pupil the facts of life, all part of a rounded belly  education.

...keyword: Mahinarangi.

And speaking of motherhood, there’s some Election News:

...what, they’re using moms to print the fake ballots now?

...Insty’s being sarky, Insty is.  As is Sarah:

From the Sweet Dreams Dept.:

...meanwhile, over in the U.S.A. on that date:

In the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:

...ethnic background of our amputee not mentioned, but...


And finally:

...probably because they lead miserable lives?  Just a wild guess.

Speaking of miserable little bitches, here’s the Media News: short do you want the answer to be?

And in the EVERYBODY PANIC !!! News:

...[insert “Islam” joke here]

And in Entertainment News:

...something about being “too figure-conscious” , I think.  Anyway, at least she’s free from all those silly Disney rules and can start to enjoy her life a little:

...keyword:  Dublin.

…and: two words:

And in the latest 

And living in :

...why am I having trouble believing her?  Anyway:

And that’s it for the Roundup.

Quote Of The Day

From uber-feminist Petronella Wyatt, talking about feminism and its aftermath:

“One in ten British women in their 50s has never married and lives alone, which is neither pleasant nor healthy.”

That’s probably because one in ten women (of whatever nationality) is neither pleasant nor healthy herself.  And that rather modest ratio skyrockets if you consider just the feministicals, who are mostly scolds and harridans.

No man should, despite their mid-life realizations and wails.

My Daily Earworm

I am normally an even-tempered man, despite what you may have heard or incorrectly deduced from my feverish rants on these very pages.  But I do have an extremely low irritation threshold, which gives the lie to the above.  Allow me to illustrate the point.

I generally wake up in the morning a little after New Wife leaves for work, or a considerable time later if I had a late night.

Whatever the time, my first activity after leaving the bedroom is to make myself a cup of coffee, and some explanation thereof is in order.

Because I am often concentrating on writing this blog, I often forget about the coffee, yea even though it rests but a few inches from my hand.

So a while back, I decided to take action to remedy this circumstance, and started using an insulated metal mug (cheap, from Academy).  It works really well, but here’s where the problem starts.

You see, after I’ve dumped my sugar in the coffee, I tap the spoon three times on the rim lightly, to shake off any extraneous sugar granules into the coffee.  And the musical sound the spoon makes on the full metal cup is exactly same as the opening three chords of the Kingsmen’s horrible Louie, Louie song.

So those opening chords make it almost impossible for me not to continue humming the whole bloody intro, and that makes:  EARWORM.  Which persists in its brain-rattle until I can sit down and open up a decent song video on EwwwChoob and banish the fucking thing from my consciousness.

Until I make myself a cuppa the next morning, whereupon the whole bloody thing starts all over again.

And of all the songs ever written, I would submit to the jury that Louie, Louie  is quite possibly the worst earworm material of all time.

I know, I know:  “But Kim,”  you may ask (and quite reasonably so), “all you have to do is to stop tapping your spoon on the rim!” 

Might as well expect me not to snarl every time I see Jane Fonda’s face on TV, or not to start playing with my M4 bayonet when Chuck Schumer makes the news.

No, I’m afraid that this particular habit is far too deeply ingrained for me to stop it just like that.  Of course, were I actually awake when I stagger into the kitchen then I might be able to consciously forestall the tapping, but that would be to miss the whole point of making coffee so soon after getting out of bed.

Hence my irritation first thing in the morning.  Don’t blame me;  it’s the fucking Kingsmen’s fault.

I’m getting grumpy just thinking about it.

Not-So Happy Ending

As if women weren’t used to refusing sex because they had a headache… now it appears that they can get headaches after sex as well, with dire consequences:

Doctors have urged Americans to seek help for a little-known sex problem — migraines triggered by sex, known medically as coital cephalgia.

Bloody hell.  It was difficult enough before to get Madame to allow access to her Garden Of Delight, but now it’s going to be practically impossible, with this prophylactic refusal available.

Of course, if she really loved you…  just sayin’.