…whenever I get an begging letter from my alma mater, I give a merry laugh as I consign the missive to the trashcan, with extreme prejudice. Try this one:
University of North Texas teacher’s college hides DEI language from courses following public scrutiny
I took one Ed course — one — when I was at UNT back in the day, and resolved never to take any more because it was socialist agitprop of the most obvious kind, disguised as teaching principles. I say “disguised” because of all the students taking the class, I was the only one who complained about the content to the professor.
What else can one say when a considerable proportion of the content featured the writings of self-confessed terrorist Bill Ayers, in his post-Weather Underground guise as a professor of Education at U. of Illinois in Chicago. Here’s a snippet from his Wikipedia (hardly an impartial source, as we all know):
William Charles Ayers is an American retired professor and former militant organizer. In 1969, Ayers co-founded the far-left militant organization the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group that sought to overthrow what they viewed as American imperialism. During the 1960s and 1970s, the Weather Underground conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings in opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The bombings caused no fatalities, except for three members killed when one of the group’s devices accidentally exploded. The FBI described the Weather Underground as a domestic terrorist group. Ayers was hunted as a fugitive for several years, until charges were dropped due to illegal actions by the FBI agents pursuing him and others.
And we students were required to follow this not-so-ex-terrorist’s teachings? Fuck that for a bowl of Commies. I see with great displeasure that this old bastard is still alive and poisoning society, the prevaricating asshole.
Anyway, given that background, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the Ed Department at UNT is lousy with commiesymps and useful idiots, so of course they’re going to be staunch adherents of the disease known as DEI, and will go to extraordinary lengths to “disguise” DEI language while continuing to teach its principles to gullible students (the future teachers of our kids).
No wonder our public school system is so terrible.
Keep asking me for donations, UNT, and I’ll keep ignoring them. Their official (i.e. un-Photoshopped) mug: