Weekend Easy Listening

A few clunkers, to be sure, but there ya go.  Several hours’ worth of memories from my last two years at high school, and the first two at university.  Background music of the finest kind.





Have fun, courtesy of Dany Fisher.  Earlier years will pop up in the right-hand column, no doubt.  Enjoy those too (except for 1974… JHC, what the hell happened there?  Three, maybe four decent songs, and the rest are all shit).

I Hate To Say It But

…I told you so.

A number of people have sent me this link, wherein seething Marxist Julius Malema is talking (yet again) about killing all White people in South Africa — what used to be known as genocide, except nowadays that doesn’t apply to killing White people.  #White Lives Don’t Matter, in other words.

Here’s a little something I wrote on the topic, back in March 2018:

I don’t think that South Africa will go Full Rhodesia. I think it will go Full Nazi Germany, with the Whites taking the place of the Jews. And I think — no, I am sure — that the rest of the world: the U.N., the West and anyone else that counts will do sweet fuck-all to stop it nor will they intervene in any way because African Blacks killing African Whites is just fine by the rest of the world because Apartheid.

Africa will win again.

And yes, I have friends and family still living there. My sister and her husband live on a farm.

All I can hope is that the few White South Africans who can, will still be able to flee to another country.  Certainly, the Jews (like my buddy Mervyn) always have the Israel option — and people like my sister, for example, who is married to a British citizen may be able to escape.  New Wife’s son likewise has a British passport.  Why they haven’t already left… I dunno.

As for the rest — mostly Afrikaners and English-speakers (like I used to be), born in South Africa with no convenient ties to a foreign country — face a certain fate.  Nobody will want them, nobody will take them in on humanitarian grounds, and having mostly been disarmed by both government regulation and denial of firearm permits, all they can do is wait to be herded onto the cattle cars, figuratively speaking.  (In fact, there will be no cattle cars, just wholesale slaughter in the streets and in their homes.)

If all this happens, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe, the scale of which will equal the Holocaust of WWII;  and just like then, the rest of the world will do nothing — in this case, not because they’re Jews, but because the White South Africans committed the unpardonable sin of being born White, and their grandparents supported apartheid.

And for those who think that the country will collapse into ruin and chaos, well:  it probably will.  But the Malema supporters won’t care because, you see, everything is only about right now, the future be damned.  It’s the African way, played out over and over again all over the benighted continent.

Africa will win again.  And lose; but they don’t care.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with something from the Department of Losers:

...missed seeing him again by thismuch.

...what’s that, Lassie?  Hoofbeats from four horses?  I hear them too.

...quelle horreur.

...quick, sue the mill that made the steel for the gun maker.

...Britcops:  “We would, but then we’d be in more trouble than you are.”

...sadly, no pics of said accident.

Moving away from industrial-grade losers, we go to the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...eh, boys will be boys. [/Eytie cops]

From the Gummint Gazette:

...always wondered why you’d need a college degree just to be rude to customers at the DMV.

...I actually first read that as “House Republicans Shoot Senators”.  Imagine my disappointment at the second reading.

...Das Kapital, p.276.  His idol V.I. Lenin would be so proud of him.

...for “Americans” read “Journalists”.

And just to show that gummint isn’t the only entity capable of complete idiocy, there’s this:

...just another model to sit, forlorn and unwanted, on some dealer’s lot.

And in Evil Satan News:

...we know.  I mean, Nancy Pelosi is still in Congress, and FJ Biden is still in the White House. And don’t get me started on the FBI and DHS...

And your pre-weekend 


...never watched the show either, but here’s an FYI so everyone else can keep up to date:

And that’s what passes for news.