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Author: Kim du Toit
Today’s Earworm
Whose Country?
Eh, anyone could have seen this one coming:
The United Kingdom showcased its submission to mass immigration on Tuesday by flying the Pakistani flag above its most important Anglican church.
Footage shared across the X platform showed the flag of Pakistan flying above Westminster Abbey.
According to the Pakistan High Commission, the flag was hoisted to celebrate Pakistan Day, a national holiday commemorating the adoption of the first Constitution of Pakistan.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with flying a Muslim flag over a Christian cathedral… during Holy Week, the most important event on the Christian calendar.
FFS, I’m an atheist and even I’m offended by this blatant example of ummah.
You Don’t Say Pt. 2
Following on yesterday’s news from Denmark comes this new bombshell from Germany:
When it comes to crimes against life, 54 percent of cases of murder were committed by foreigners, while they were responsible for 64.8 percent of cases involving manslaughter.
Foreigners were also vastly overrepresented in robbery cases, including 65.5 percent of robberies, 75.6 percent of aggravated robbery, 93 percent of car thefts, 87.5 percent of handbag thefts, 93 percent of pickpocketing cases, 87.5 of violent burglaries, 80 percent of daytime burglaries, and 72.9 percent of street thefts.
Foreigners also committed 75 percent of money counterfeiting crimes, and 62.5 percent of sexual blackmail cases.
Foreigners were additionally responsible for 83.3 percent of human trafficking cases and the same amount of forced prostitution cases.
When it comes to serious sexual crimes, foreigners are also vastly overrepresented, with the data showing they were also responsible for 64.1 percent of all rape cases. In one of the most extreme data points from the new statistics, foreigners were responsible for 100 percent of serious sexual assault cases.
“But the Western whores were just asking for it”, the cultural relativists will wail. “No wonder the pore Muslim- and African lads were led astray.”
Hang ’em all. Yeah, the apologists as well as the rapists and murderers.
Memory Lane
I arrived in the United States in the early 1980s, by which time most of the eating places that follow were on their last legs, or else pretty much doomed. However, I thought I’d offer my Reader Demographic (i.e. Olde Pharttes) a chance to reminisce…
…wait, beer-steamed hot dogs? Why is my mouth watering?
I was only ever able to visit a couple of them, but this one stands out in my memory:
…for obvious reasons, and I dearly wish Treacher’s was still around today.
And then there are these guys, if only for those prices:
Feel free to share your memories of these or similar places, in Comments.
Gratuitous Gun Pic: SKS (7.62x39mm)
I see that Othias and Mae have broken the shackles of the Great War and moved on to more “modern” times, specifically in terms of the SKS semi-auto carbine (and yes, I know that “SKS” means “semi-auto carbine system” in Russki #Redundancy).
Let it be known that I lovelovelove this little piece of Commieness, almost as much as I do (ex-) Commieskater Katerina Witt. In fact, keeping the comparison to guns only, I prefer it to the AK-47. I’ve owned both — and therefore, surprise surprise, fired both, a lot — and I enjoy shooting the SKS more than I do the AK.
I know, I know: the SKS holds only ten rounds in its mag, whereas the AK can hold a zillion, whatever. I find reloading the SKS with a stripper clip more pleasant than reloading a 20- or 30-round magazine (even with a guide and several stripper clips), and I would venture to suggest that firing, say, 100 rounds (ten SKS clips) works out to about the same time as it takes me to fire five AK mags. (Why only the 20-round mag, Kim? Because you can’t shoot a 30-round mag from prone without some contortion involved.)
And I don’t subscribe to the “spray ‘n pray” fire doctrine so beloved of AR-15 shooters, both by training and by inclination. You want suppressing fire, ask a machine-gunner to do it for you.
The SKS, being a more solidly-built firearm than the AK, also dampens the already-low recoil of the 7.62x39mm Commie cartridge, which means I can shoot off more rounds before Ye Olde Shouldyrre starts to ache.
Given my druthers, therefore, I would much rather keep the handy little SKS under the bed for, um, social work than the much-clumsier AK. There: I’ve said it.
If I were asked to perform some militia activity, e.g. guard duty (I’m too old for patrols and such), it would be the SKS slung on my shoulder and not the AK-47, had I any say in the matter.
I also like the attached bayonet of the SKS because it’s a lot easier to pop it open than to fiddle around with a scabbard on my waist to get the sticker onto any rifle, and not just the AK.
So there it is: it’s a fine gun, even allowing for the fact that its origins are Communist. They’re available in the West, so said origins can be ignored.
And here’s another piece of Communist finery whose origins can be ignored: