So let’s look at some dirty news.
...and of course the teacher “escaped prison”, because female. the little Jock lesbian got at least one thing right… in ten years.
...while millions of starving African villagers could only wish for such a feast.
#TheyStartedTheWar basically, she’s admitting that we’ve already lost our democracy?
...I dunno; after centuries of neutrality, they have to be out of practice at this “war” thing., I didn’t get that backwards. Relax, Jake; it’s Seattle.
...and no, that’s not a typo. He failed his examinations, because apparently you’re only allowed to rape elderly patients when not wearing uniform.
...keyword: Canada. (Although it’s probably even worse for U.S. college students.)
...because he hasn’t even started menstruating yet.
Well, at least she’s honest. Unlike all the politicians in the news.