Being Prepared

Excellent news from Israel, in the matter of self-defense:

An Israeli news anchor has carried a gun live on air while presenting from the studio amid fear of another Hamas attack.

Lital Shemesh, a presenter for right-wing Israeli broadcaster Channel 14, was pictured on Tuesday sitting behind her anchor desk with a gun tucked into the waistband of her trousers.

Makes sense, of course, because if Channel 14 is indeed a “right-wing” news outlet*, then they would be a likely target of Hamas terrorist scum.

Also, she seems to be quite a cutie:

…and therefore would be a target-within-a-target for terrorists’ swinging dicks — so she damn well should be armed in the event of some Muzzy reindeer games.

Good for her, refusing to be a victim.

*Given the source of the report (a Brit newspaper), “right-wing” would translate as “center-left” in American terminology, i.e. not screamingly-socialist like most TV stations and other media in the West.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with some Election News:

...kinda like the conservative Supreme Court guys were over the abortion thing, huh?  Sauce, goose, gander, etc., you fucking Commie cow.

...yeah, they’ve been “trending Republican” since the 1990s, and yet somehow they always keep sending Democrats to the White House and Congress.  Consider me unconvinced.

In related Political News: it so wrong to be envious of the Argies, for once?

...never a Covid death when you really want one.  And speaking of disgusting Commies…

...when you’re running huge deficits, you’ll harvest extra revenue from anywhere.

...hate to break it to you, Ed, but Portland is Third World.

From the Animal Kingdom:

...key word:  Australia.

...see previous item.

News from the Muslim Assholes Dept.:

...ah yes, the Religion of Peace strikes again.  Also, they lie:

...they’ve been taking lessons from Bill Clinton.

Time for some better Sex News:

...the only surprise is that he was fired at all.

...wait:  Dolly Parton has always been in an open marriage, and I’m only finding out about this now?

And in more Showbiz News:

...the poor, poor man;  how much more suffering must he endure for his art?

In (link-free) INSIGNIFICA:


Finally, let’s look at what I’m calling the Edible Eighties:

Donna Mills (82):

Linda Gray (80):

Martha Stewart (81):

…and especially Martha:

…that’s her “JBF” look.  Pity the fool…

And that’s all the old news for today.


From some Izzy pol comes this little snippet:

Well, yes.  As some smarty-pants academic said a little while ago, context is everything.

I mean, I feel the same way about Commies (apart from the “rape” thing, I’m not the man I used to be –although I might be persuaded to take at least one* such ghoul for the team).

Still, it’s not a healthy thought and the Pals should be dissuaded from acting out those impulses by, say, mass relocation to the Congo.  (For some reason, Israelis have an institutional dislike of concentration camps and Babi Yar-style killing pits, so relocation seems to be the best alternative.)

So I’m not going to condemn the Pals outright because glass houses etc.  But I am going to encourage the Izzies to do whatever they think works.  I think they can generally be trusted to do the right thing, e.g. blowing up Iran’s nuclear bomb capability, so as far as the foul and loathsome Hamas / Hezbollah assholes are concerned, it’s all systems go.

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Vulcan’s Worthy Descendant

Among the small (and it should be said, wealthy) group of gun aficionados, the name Duane Wiebe is well known, and justifiably so.  Here’s a brief auto-bio of the man — but it must be said, his real bio is in the long guns he has crafted over the past three decades or so.  Here are a couple-three, at Steve Barnett’s place (right-click to embiggen):

Argentine Mauser in .375 H&H Magnum

And to the question, “Can an old Mauser handle the .375 H&H?” the answer is a smack upside the head and an “Of course it can, you silly person!”

Here’s another DW special:

Mauser G33/40 in 6.5x55mm Swede

…and if that doesn’t get your drool flowing and trigger-finger itching, then we can’t be friends.

Okay, for those who want something more American and in a more modern chambering [sigh] :

Winchester pre-war Model 70 in .300 Win Mag:

…with Winchester’s typical swept-back Mod 70 bolt.

Okay, none of the above are inexpensive (see the links), because they are each one of a kind, crafted by an expert who not only knows guns, but loves them.

With a decent lottery win, I could find at least two more (along with all three of the above) Wiebe rifles I’d want to buy, and that’s only at Barnett’s.

I don’t just appreciate craftsmen, I venerate them.  And Duane Wiebe is all that, and more.

No Overreaction This Time?

Here’s one that just makes me shake my head.

In the latest of a series of high-profile swatting incidents, far-left billionaire George Soros became the victim of a prank 911 call at his estate in Southampton, New York.

Southampton Village Police responded to the call reportedly made just before 9 p.m. last Saturday.

The unidentified caller claimed to have shot his wife and was threatening to commit suicide at the Soros mansion on Old Town Road.

Police response teams, including detectives and officers, were dispatched to the scene only to determine that the call was indeed a hoax after securing the premises.

Did the cops kick down the door and throw flashbangs?  No.

Was the homeowner beaten up and handcuffed?  No.

Was anyone at all shot or brutalized?  No.

In other words, this went down not at all like yer typical SWAT response.

They didn’t even shoot his damn dog.