Gratuitous Gun Pic: CZ Scorpion EVO 3+ (9mm)

Pistol-caliber carbines are a common topic for discussion on this here back porch of mine, and I thought I’d make mention of this puppy, CZ’s latest incarnation of their excellent little Skorpion subby, the Scorpion EVO 3+ which comes with a 16″ barrel and folding stock.

Look, it’s come a long way from their original little full-auto sweetie, the SA vz.61:

…most notably in that the EVO’s chambering has been (marginally) upgraded from the original .32 ACP to the 9mm Europellet, and the new guy just looks better than the toy-sized original.  (I also like the fake suppressor on the EVO carbine, guaranteed to give the gun nannies fits, but which is removable so one can add a real suppressor onto its threaded barrel for extra-added hysteria.)

The EVO 3+ also comes in a 4″ pistol configuration:

…but I think it’s butt-ugly and if you want CZ reliability in a pistol, then the CZ 75B will do just fine.

Getting back to the carbine:  the nice thing about the new Scorpion is that it retails for well under a grand (compared to the HK MP5 at 3x), and its magazines are, at ~$30, likewise much cheaper than HK.  The only bummer, as far as I can see, is that the Scorpion doesn’t accept the CZ 75’s mags but uses a proprietary one.

As I’ve said before, I’m somewhat dubious about the utility of a 9mm carbine, but I reckon that if you must have one, this new Scorpion seems to fit the bill.  More about it here, and these guys sell it as well as the mags.

Afterthought:  you know what I’d really like to see?  A Scorpion chambered in .45 ACP. matched with their manly CZ 97 B pistol:

I used to own one of these (sold during the Great Poverty Episode), and I miss it terribly.  What a beautiful gun it is, to be sure.

Many A True Word

…spoken in jest, as the saying goes.  Here’s the jest:

…and here are the true words.

Back when I was a business consultant, I belonged to a share group of same-industry consultants who would meet twice a year at some pleasure spot (#BusinessDeduction) to swap stories, pass on potential leads and so on.

I was moaning about a recent catastrophe which had befallen me (details unimportant, but “fuckwit client” will suffice), when everyone at the table laughed, and one of the guys said:

“Never take on a gig when the client CEO has a Harvard MBA.”

And it’s true.  Not only are these ivory-tower assholes devoid of any true business sense, but the Harvard MBA must be a pretty shitty course, judging by their track record in the real world that I swam around in.  (That particular company failed, spectacularly, and the CEO left the country for a while.)

The only reason I can think of for anyone to get an MBA is if their undergrad course didn’t include things like Accounting, Stat or Marketing.

3 Worst Christmas Presents

…either to give, or to get.  First, the pricey ones:

  • One-way air ticket to New York City
  • Toyota Prius (with 50,000 miles on the clock)
  • Free weekend at the downtown Seattle Holiday Inn

Next, the “Well-Meaning But Still Crap” ones:

  • Gas station pocket knife
  • Cheap Chinese-made car tool set
  • Box of corrosive Warsaw Pact-era mil-surp rifle ammo

Then the cheap-ass ones:

  • $5 gift card for Domino’s Pizza
  • scented candle
  • coffee mug with some shit like “World’s Best [whatever]” printed on it

Your suggestions in Comments.