Black Friday Stuff

Wait, that didn’t work.  What didn’t I do?  Oh yes, add some whiteness:

That’s better.  The ammo is from AmmoMan, the handguns and long guns are at Palmetto State Armory.

And just in case you need a few more options, there are these from Outdoor Supplies:

…just in case anyone didn’t get their Ammo Day purchases done.

Reminder:  I get no kickbacks from anyone.

HOWEVER:  if some kind (and generous, and wealthy) soul from one of the above outlets does want to send me one of these for Christmas …

…the link is in the pic.  (I’ve wanted to own a CZ 75B — just like the one in the pic — forever.)

Political Snigger

First we had that “right-wing” libertarian (?) winning big in [Don’t Cry For Me] Argentina, and now the Dutch too seem to have come to their senses (and not a moment too soon):

In yet another sign of a global political shift, the right-wing populist Party for Freedom in the Netherlands is projected to win a large plurality. According to exit polling, the PVV will pick up at least 35 seats while the current ruling coalition will combine for 37 losses while only winning 41 seats total. That makes Geert Wilders, the founder of the Party for Freedom, the big winner.

Of course, this has the Left screaming hair-on-fire stuff:

The Netherlands will join an increasingly long list of West European countries (CH, FR, IT, SE) where the radical right has overtaken the mainstream right has the main party of the right.

Never mind that their definition of “radical right” would, in U.S. terms, make Wilders’s party more like centrist Democrats (anyone remember them?) Over Here.  (For those unfamiliar with the terminology:  that would be Switzerland, France, Italy and Sweden [!] who have recently moved to the “right”.)

Anyway, getting back to the Dutchies:

“It’s been enough now. The Netherlands can’t take it anymore. We have to think about our own people first now. Borders closed. Zero asylum seekers,” Wilders said in a television debate on the eve of the election.

Sounds kinda like Trump, doesn’t it?  Let’s hope that Wilders, unlike Trump, actually starts to do something about the situation once he’s sworn in.

Expect the lawyers to start sharpening their quills so as to try to stop in the courts any commonsense policy he implements — just like our leftist assholes do Over Here.

Let the mass deportations begin… and once again, not a moment too soon.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with some Political News:

...also too incompetent, too corrupt, too socialist, etc.

...oh noes, yet another red wave (which will turn into a pinkish trickle — if that — on Election Day).

And in Furrin Political News:

...which was so unexpected that the socialists didn’t have time to “find” more votes for their candidate.

From the Pentagon Papers:

...fired soldiers to Army:  get fucked.  (Well, I would.)

...DUDE!  Also, typo.

In the Animal Kingdom:

...takes a while to change a whole nation’s cuisine choices, dunnit?

And speaking of foreign shitholes:

...when you’re worse than California, Cuba and Venezuela...

In Sex News:

...begging the question:  what exactly was a 20-year-old woman doing in a cemetery at 4am, alone?

...just taking a page from the Schumer/Feinstein playbook, really. [/puke]

...wait:  women have orgasms?  Must be some new thing.

In Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:

...actually, a cheaper solution would be just to ship all the JustStopOil and similar Greenpeace loonies to the Moon.  Without space suits.

And when it comes to INSIGNIFICA:

...well, to be fair, nobody uses pocket watches anymore. great loss;  it was a terrible show without Clarkson, May and Hammond anyway.

...and nobody cares.  However, Hannah Fry is a ginger hotty:

And on that red-hot note, we end the news.