‘Nother Quick Reminder

From our friends at Ammo.com, just in time for National Ammo Day this weekend:

I know I know, compared to Days Of Yore these prices are of the nasal ex-sanguination genre;  but as I pointed out earlier this week, prices are not going to drop anytime soon, if ever.  And buying in bulk now means that when .45 ACP costs $5 per pull, you’ll have sufficient supplies on hand to keep practicing.


Seen at Kenny’s:

Not sure I go with that one, but its proposition may not be unjustified.

The question, however, is an interesting one.

On that scale, I’m at about a 2.  But I’m willing to be challenged.

Here’s my point.  The larger the alleged conspiracy, the less I’m likely to go for it.  So most of the so-called “Global” conspiracies (World Economic Foundation, Jewish Banking, you name it) fall apart at the first hurdle because the larger the conspiracy, the more people involved, the less likely it is to be true.

  • Is there a conspiracy among your coworkers to get you fired? —  easily established and exposed.
  • Did the CIA conspire to kill JFK?  — no.
  • Did Aristotle Onassis conspire to kill JFK?  — maybe.
  • …because he was in the thrall of the International Emerald Market? — definitely not.
  • Are socialists conspiring to bring down the United States?  — read the news and follow the dots;  of course they are.

In the latter case, it might not be a planned conspiracy, in that there’s no secret Bilderburger / Comintern / whatever .org issuing commands to the various socialists;  but that doesn’t mean they aren’t all working towards a common goal — which they are.

The other meme making the rounds runs along the lines of:

“Today’s conspiracy nuts will be seen by history as prophets.”

That, I might go along with.  Unless the conspiracy is an obvious crock of shit.  But as I said above, I’m willing to be challenged.

And by the way:  any suggested conspiracy that includes those bastards at DeBeers Diamonds?  I’ll believe it.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with some Medical News:

...should be jailed for giving out Plastic Fantastics instead of Colt 1911s, but I’m guessing that’s not the reason people are getting upset about this.  More:

...didn’t know we had one.

Moving on to the Dept. of Education:

...statutorily raped, that is, as the lucky lad got his end into Teacher Dearest at least twice, apparently without complaint.

...see, now I can’t help thinking that if our Junior G-Man had been getting massively bonked by his home room teacher, he would have had neither the time nor the energy to get all shooty.

And in Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...because even in Sunny Seffrica, solar energy can’t deliver. [/Captain Obvious]

...remind me about that “snowfalls are a thing of the past”, again?

...who cares if Portugal is laid waste by mining, as long as California- and Islington liberals can ride around smugly in their little Duracell cars.

In Business News:

...and if you thought she made a lot of money from her music, wait till you see how she does with OnlyFans.

From the Crime Desk:

...keyword:  Russia.  Second keyword:  9mm Europellet.

And in LGBTOSTFU News:

...actually, Ms. Purple Hair, it proves the exact opposite:  God does exist, and he hates you for being an amoral pervert.

From the Dept. of the Absurd:

...at this point, even Kafka would throw up his hands and admit defeat.

And in other INSIGNIFICA:


...call me old-fashioned, but “Woonsocket” is just a tad eccentric.  Also too long.

Finally, in Hottie Showbiz News, Hurley Department:

...and yes, she even goes topless.

I rather like her friend too, by the way.

And dat’s Da Nooz.