Author: Kim du Toit
There are two groups of people in the world: those who think Mozart’s Requiem in D minor is the greatest requiem ever written, and those who think that Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem deserves the accolade.
No prizes for guessing which camp I fall into.
Well, Here We Are
Seems as though the horrible Washington Post has had to pull a cartoon for being, and I quote, “grossly mischaracterizing” and “blatantly mocking the crisis in the Middle East”. Also, “The caricatures employ racial stereotypes that were offensive and disturbing. Depicting Arabs with exaggerated features and portraying women in derogatory, stereotypical roles perpetuates racism and gender bias, which is wholly unacceptable.”
So what’s all the fuss about? If the Post can’t publish it, I sure as hell can:
So if Ramirez had made the spokesman look like Owen Wilson and the cowering woman was wearing a bikini, then everything would be okay?
And the terrorists do exactly what the cartoon shows: hide behind women and children, then scream bloody murder when the women and children are harmed.
Feel free to explain to me exactly what is inaccurate in the above.
Oh and by the way, for those who are Perpetually Indignant, cartoons are supposed to shock and surprise people.
And fuck you.
Gettin’ Serious
A leading indicator that some serious work will be needing done is heralded by stuff like this:
The U.S. Army on Monday released a recruitment ad that critics argue is a sure sign the military is gearing up for war.
There are no signs of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the 30-second spot, which features white males jumping out of a plane.
Yup: when it comes time to make war in earnest, ain’t nothin’ like a bunch of White men to get the job done.
And for those People Of Color who won’t respond to the ads because “there ain’t no Black men in the picture”: by all means, stay the fuck away and let the professionals do the work.
When there’s hard work to be done, there’s no time for “feelings” or “representation”. As the Army seems to have realized.
News Roundup
(Chris Muir has been on fire recently)
In Glueball Jewhate News:
...the only question being: other than Embassy staff (because it’s their job), WTF are any Americans doing in that shithole? And speaking of shitholes: the surprise of absolutely nobody, seeing as the ANC are terrorist scum, just like Hamas. And speaking of nobodies:
...yeah maybe, asswipe; but like the pigs in Animal Farm, some hands are a lot more dirty than others. Yours, for instance, you malodorous terrorsymp. And speaking of asswipes:
...of course he does, the feckless girlyman, because all the statistics show that more “migrants”, more crime. And he likes crime, especially as he’s trying his best to disarm the existing Canucki population.
Finally, a reversal:
...not much fun when it happens to your lot, is it?
And in other Great Cultural Assimilation News:
...note: islands. Side note: where’s General Franco when we need him? Or Pinochet, for that matter?
And in Sorta-Legal News:
...well it sure as fuck isn’t a real trial, either. It’s more of a political stunt than anything else.
...wait: you mean it hasn’t been banned yet, Over There?
There’s always Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:
...oh dear. Did we get it all wrong?
In Financial News:
...isn’t there a statute of limitations on this bullshit? And if not, why not? And speaking of sex:
...actually, it’s all about how he doesn’t let his young son watch porn, but there ya go.
And in our favorite department, INSIGNIFICA:
...”Fuck me, Jack” ?
And finally, in Slut News:
...who she? you ask. Some Brit TV reality tart, nothing special:
And in an earlier incarnation:
Got the idea? I think so.
Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls Etc.
Stephen Moore has an excellent “story of the film so far” about the Net Zero / Green energy / no more cars with engines / unicorn fart-based energy initiative:
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that “clean energy” investment funds are tanking, with some down as much as 70% in recent months. Solar has been one of the worst-performing industry stocks this year.
This collapse is happening right when Exxon and Chevron have engineered a combined $110 billion blockbuster acquisitions to expand oil and gas drilling in the Permian Basin in Texas, one of the biggest oil fields in the world. This year, they both reported their largest profits ever.
They and their investors are looking at the real-world data, not green energy propaganda. In 2023, the world is guzzling oil and gas like never before. Global consumption of fossil fuels was higher in 2022 than at any time in human history, even as the developed countries spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to stop oil, gas and coal.
As they say: follow the money. All the politicians’ wishful thinking won’t change the nature of the world (i.e. reality), as much as they’d like to think it can.