Blues as sung by some White guy.
I saw them live once, and I nearly quit Atlantic Show Band to go and play in a blues band. Yeah, I would have starved. That’s just the price of the Blues, baby.
Blues as sung by some White guy.
I saw them live once, and I nearly quit Atlantic Show Band to go and play in a blues band. Yeah, I would have starved. That’s just the price of the Blues, baby.
Here’s a little snippet that caught my eye briefly, then buzzed around in my subconscious until it turned into a raging tornado.
Inheritance tax receipts increased to £5.2billion in the eight months from April to November, data from HM Revenue & Customs reveals.
This marks a £400million increase from the same period a year ago, and continues the upward trend over the last decade.
Last month, the Chancellor shied away from slashing inheritance tax in the Autumn Statement, as it emerged the levy is on track to raise nearly £10billion a year by the end of the decade.
The body text concerns me hardly at all because it’s Britishland, and for centuries their governments have always stolen from the country’s wealthier citizens.
It was really just the first two words which snagged me like an errant fish hook.
Here’s how it’s defined by our own beloved IRS:
The Estate Tax is a tax on your right to transfer property at your death. It consists of an accounting of everything you own or have certain interests in at the date of death. The fair market value of these items is used, not necessarily what you paid for them or what their values were when you acquired them.
There are a whole bunch more words which on the surface are supposed to clarify the matter, but which in true IRS form serve only to create more questions, to be clarified by tax accountants and lawyers, and which can be re-interpreted (in the State’s interests, natch) by IRS agents in any way they choose.
Yeah, you have a right to transfer property — your own private property, how nice that they call it a “right” — but that right can be taxed (is it then still a right?) because reasons.
Basically, the State is saying that your private property isn’t really yours, it belongs to the State and therefore they are entitled to a piece of it.
Yeah, I know, it really only applies to “the rich” and we little peasants shouldn’t worry our silly little heads about it. (The ceiling for application of the death tax is currently set at an estate value greater than $13.6 million.)
Even among people not affected by the estate tax, it is one of the most hated taxes in the nation. Worse still, it used to cost the State more in the collection thereof than the income it generated — in fact, it only recently “broke even”, and now the revenue : cost relationship stands at something like 1.24 ($1.24 dollars is collected for every dollar it costs to collect it).
If ever there’s a piece of governmental thievery which needs to be taken outside and shot in the back of the neck, this one is it. (Don’t even ask me about the politicians who support it and the government agents who collect it, because my response would put me on the Naughty List.)
Yes I know, there is a difference between “inheritance” taxes and “estate” taxes. Regardless of how the godless IRS defines it or how/when it gets collected, however, the principle is the same for both.
Here’s an unfortunate train of events. When examining Chris Rea’s Driving Home For Christmas song, scientists at the University of Sheffield in the UK found the following (links included):
Well, yes. That “carbon footprint reduction” thing is doubleplus virtuous, of course.
However, as with all ivory-tower cogitations, Real Life™ has an unfortunate knack for making such conclusions look ridiculous:
Needless to say, the Eco-Loons don’t care, because not being able to visit your family at all on Christmas means that your carbon footprint would be lower still.
Which is why scientists should stick to things like discovering a better adhesive that sticks wood to metal, or improving the taste of Slim Jims (to give but two examples), instead of trying to add to the Smug Index of Virtuousness.
Just a thought.
Then again, we have another solution for this bunch of wokey watermelons, to make their carbon footprint go away completely:
…but no doubt someone is going to have a problem with this.
A Reader (lost yer email, sorry) sent me this little look at The Most Odd-Looking Vintage Muscle Cars Ever Made. I have several problems with said list, mostly because more than a few of the cars cannot be termed “muscle” cars by any stretch of the imagination, e.g. the Heinkel Kabine of the late 1940s:
…which featured a 174cc engine which generated 9hp. That’s “muscular” only if you’re a Gen Z snowflake or an eco-moron.
Of course, there are a few strange ones on the list, but I have to say that more than a few did catch my eye, and I would have no problem owning / driving one of them, even today. Here they are:
BMW Z1 (early 1990s) Sorry, but that’s just lovely. The retractable doors (!!!) make it strange, but I’d still take one in a heartbeat.
E-type Jaguar (1960s)
That’s not “odd”, you morons, it’s a classic. Even back then, it wasn’t odd, just beautiful (pace Enzo Ferrari, who knew a thing or two about the topic).
Lotus Europa (1970s)
Yeah, it looks a little strange, but it handled better than any road car of the time. You could take corners at speeds that would have killed you in any other car.
Corvette station wagon (1970s)
Yeah, I’d have one of these. It looks a little like the Europa, but it solves the perennial problem of “How do I fit both my girlfriend and my rifle/shotgun cases into a sports car?”
Toyota 2000 GT (1970)
Sorry, but 150hp in a car that weighed almost nothing, handled like a dream and should never have ceased production? That’s not weird; the decision to stop making it was weird. Like the E-type, it was a classic.
The one that really caught my eye, however, was this one:
Buick Centurion (late 1950s)
I think it’s glorious, not weird — and I’d take one in a heartbeat.
Feel free to peruse the others, and make your own choices in Comments if you want.
There’s also a list that contains some weird motorcycles, but to me they all look the same (like people in various non-European racial groups), so I couldn’t pass judgment.
I was going to do one of those retrospective lists about 2023 — you know, like Dave Barry’s funny take — about “10 Best” or “10 Worst” whatever.
In the first place, I couldn’t find a single entry for the “10 Best” — everybody sucked, there are no heroes, and they’re all out to get us.
Okay, maybe this guy:
…but he’s just one guy, and he’s way the hell away in Argentina and not in Washington D.C. where he really belongs.
As for the “10 Worst”… fuck me, where does one even begin? As Insty so often puts it, I’d need a bigger blog, and trying to whittle down the list of 2023 awfuls to only ten (!!!) would likely take me most of 2024.
Good grief, I could do a 10 Worst People just by listing some perennial Golden Oldies: Hillary Bitch Clinton and her husband Pedo Bill, Nazi George Soros, Chuck Schumer, Barack The Token, etc. etc. You get my drift.
But trying to identify the newcomer assholes… sheesh, once again: where does one even begin? Hell, some of the Oldies from days of yore wouldn’t even feature today, given that finding the current worst is like trying to identify which rabid raccoon out of the pack of fifty you encounter in a forest is the most dangerous. They’re all malevolent, all evil, and they’re coming at us from all directions.
As for events: Ukraine (ongoing), Gaza (new entry), California (ongoing)… see where I’m going with this?
So, no. No humorous retrospective this year, because frankly, everything and everybody in 2023 just flat-out sucked. There were no rays of sunshine, no reasons for hope, no worthy heroes, too many assholes and the sooner I can forget about last year, the better.
Feel free to disagree with me in Comments, but be warned that you’d better bring your A-game.
To make us all feel better, here’s a picture of Markie Post:
The late Markie Post.
Fucking marigolds.