Accumulated Knowledge

Background:  I once worked for an ad agency that had among its clients Vidal Sassoon, and from them I learned all the secrets of the trade.  Below is just a sample.

At its most basic level, shampoo is just a detergent.  Like all detergents, it takes away oils and greases.  Unlike your average kitchen dishwashing detergent, however, it’s very “gentle” — which means it has been severely diluted and therefore, on a cost per fluid ounce / milliliter basis, it outpaces Biden-priced gasoline.  This is particularly true if you buy the “premium” brands (e.g. with French names).

Technically, you could use simple bodywash (also expensive) or even a bar soap like Zest to wash your hair, although it’s a little harsh if your hair is normally thin and fragile.  However (and this leads into our sub-topic), what really counts, if you care for your hair at all, is not the detergent you use but the conditioner.

This is way more important than your shampoo, and a good conditioner will make your hair healthier than will some VO5-type budget conditioner — although, as with all things, budget conditioners work extremely well for some people because their hair responds to it better than to others, even expensive ones.

The more aggressive / cheaper your shampoo, the more money you’ll have to spend on conditioner.

So what do I use?  The cheapest shampoo (generally to be found on the bottom shelf at Kroger, with the lowest cost per ounce) and a mid-range conditioner like Pantene Pro-V.  But I have thick, healthy and wavy (not curly) hair, and I never use a blowdryer.  Also, I wash my hair about every other day, and use conditioner once a week only.


Addendum:  if you’re bald or wear your hair in a don’t-care buzz cut, you are obviously disqualified from commenting on this section, in that your opinions are like those of a cave-dwelling hermit about TV shows, or John Kerry about guns.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with a little news about Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...keyword:  Australia. we ban people, then?  Or wait:  if we can reduce Glueball Wormening by a little judicious population pruning, I gotta list.

...and the loss in oil-related revenues will be made up from…?

From the Great Cultural Assimilation Project comes this:

…ummm if yer gonna slag off Jews, you might not want to do it in Miami.  And this just in from Church Chronicles, Islam Division:

...yeah, we all know that ain’t no way to treat a lady — I guess the Muzzies just didn’t get the memo.


...any bets on the length of his/her jail time, if any?  Anybody?  Bueller?

And in the Dept. of Education:

...see above.

From the Health Department: the choice is:  die or become a vegetable? opposed to down your throat?

Economics News:

...and not just during the holidays, Sparky. Japs are playing the long game in the Let’s Conquer America thing, then.

Further Immigration News:

...fucking hell, if California has become too skanky for Nikki Sixx...

And a Christmas piece:

...could that be a metaphor about the death of Christmas?  I report, you decide.

And in link-free INSIGNIFICA:


And in Liz News:’s been a while.  I’m sorry...

That should do, for a while anyway.  Still one of the better ways to show the end of the news.

So What, It’s Only Jews

It’s hard to see how much worse the situation could get:

More than 30 synagogues in Massachusetts were targeted with bomb threats on Sunday, just days after its largest city, Boston, rejected millions of dollars in federal anti-terrorism grant money.

Why did they reject the funding?

The city council rejected the grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in a contentious 6 to 6 vote, with the opposition arguing that giving more funds to law enforcement would “do more harm than good” to minority communities.

Oh well, that’s okay then.  After all, it’s only Jooz who’d be targeted by the terrorists, but of course Jooz don’t classify as a “minority” group anymore because White Rayciss Who Invaded Peaceful Gaza.  Or something like that.

Let Boston sink.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Oh, Alabama:

A Waffle House customer in Birmingham, Alabama, shot and killed a man Sunday morning who was [allegedly] threatening to shoot patrons in the restaurant.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Lt. Joni Money indicated that deputies were called about the man who was allegedly threatening patrons, but one of the restaurant’s customers got into “an altercation” with the suspect and shot him before deputies reached the scene.

Our Hero then left the scene before the fuzz arrived.

Now I’m not saying that he should have done so, but on the other hand there may have been extenuating circumstances, such as he might not have wanted to lose his carry piece to the evidence locker.

Or he himself is a criminal, in which case oops.
