Classic Beauty: Brigitte Bardot

People who weren’t around at the time, or who weren’t aware of Brigitte Bardot probably cannot understand the effect she had on the world in the early 1960s.  She literally defined the term “sex kitten”, and many of those who followed her in that appellation simply don’t compare.


She simply exuded sex appeal, and was the object of many a callow lad’s fantasies.  And I was no exception.

Same Time Next Year

Apparently there’s this German guy who visits the same city in Britishland each year for his vacation, and has done so for the past several years.  (My Brit Readers can be excused for going “Huh?” when they discover which city has so enthralled our Frequent Visitor.)

Which leads me to ask the question:

Is there any city in the world that you would re-visit for two weeks exclusively each year for the next, say, decade? 

(I’m going to assume long lives for the Olde Pharttes among us, bless ’em, who could always just substitute “…for the rest of my life” if they so choose.)

Give reasons, in Comments.  It could be a furrin city or a Murkin/NorMurkin one, your choice.  In the spirit of the thing, it has to be a city, not a region or a resort.  Play the game.

My choice is below the fold:

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All Is Explained

Now here’s a study I can get behind:

Bad grammar is so maddening it activates the ‘fight or flight’ response within the human body

No prizes for guessing which one, in my case.

Instances of bad grammar can include mixing up tenses within a sentence, confusing the singular and plural, using a double negative or misusing a comma.
They explained that knowledge about a first language is largely implicit, as most people did not need to sit and study to learn their mother tongue.

And this could mean that our body reacts to bad grammar even if we cannot pinpoint exactly what is wrong within a sentence.

My problem is that I usually can pinpoint the mistake;  and my response is

Grrr grrrr grrrrr…

News Roundup

Some more Booze News to smile (or grimace) at:

...panic subsides when the brand is revealed as Bud Lite, where nobody could tell the difference.

...and sales of hip flasks soar.

From the files of Captain Obvious:

...surely not.  Also: did Obama’s ATF, Bush’s ATF and Clinton’s ATF.  Even Trump’s ATF had a go with that bullshit “bump stock” thing.  And finally: do most students, quite frankly.

Legal News: of hands:  who agrees with this punishment and wish we could have it here in Murka?

...thought so.

From the Dept. of Corporate Anchor-Tossing:

...and about damn time too, Tribesters (Tribe Readers excluded, for obvious reasons).

...I’m “triggered” by many things, e.g. sexual perverts teaching our children, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to go out and whack a couple of Red Sox fans at random. Here’s another thing that triggers me: suggestion for the Maine cops:  find this murderous bastard, then shoot him dead, whether he surrenders or not.  Spare us all the hassle and expense, willya?

And in Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:

...should never have been there in the first fucking place.

...big deal. Anyone can plan ahead for the next three months.

And there’s always INSIGNIFICA:


I’m struggling to see the actual crime, here.

...fully clothed?


…and that’s the end of Train Smash News.

Quote Of The Day

From Stephen Green, commenting on this situation:

“It could be that the intel is correct and Hamas is lying to draw Israel (and perhaps the US) into fighting Iran directly, we have just another massive intel failure, or our officials are lying.”

Option d.)  All the above are true.