Fighting Back

I see this becoming a trend, and not just in Britishland:

This is the moment have-a-go-heroes swooped on thieves allegedly loading up their cars with stolen groceries.

Video shows three men throwing shopping into their cars in a Tesco’s car park in Waltham Abbey, Essex, yesterday. The trio are seen hastily shoving groceries into a black Volkswagen polo from a shopping trolley before jumping into the car.

But before they drive away a group of men storm the vehicle and start demanding the alleged thieves get out of the car. They open the doors and begin to pull the alleged shoplifters out of the car as they attempt to fight back.

Shocked witnesses are heard saying “call the police” as a Tesco security worker arrives and attempts to open the boot.

The men manage to get the alleged thieves out of the car — and a struggle to restrain the men ensues. One of then alleged thieves attempts to headbutt one of the men and ends up falling to the ground.

Eventually the rozzers put in an appearance, and in a shocking move, arrest the thieves and not the men who intervened (this is the UK, after all).

And as I never tire of saying:  We do not “take the law into our own hands” when we do stuff like this, for the simple reason that the law never left our hands;  we simply deputize its enforcement to agents of the State.

But when those agents are not on the scene or unwilling to do their duty, it is our civic duty to intervene.

Frankly, if I’d been involved and some punk tried to head-butt me, he’d end up in fucking hospital.  Believe it.

Newsom’s Newcomer

Let’s go over CalGov Newsom’s checklist for the replacement for the late Feinstein’s Senate seat:

  • Woman —
  • Black —
  • Lesbian —
  • Supports abortion —
  • Reliably socialist —
  • Not a California resident — (she was born in California, but she’s resident in Maryland and actually registered to vote there — technically, she’s disqualified, but this is California so who cares)

Doesn’t matter;  she’s only there to maintain the Socialist majority in the Senate — no doubt her replacement (if she’s not elected in 2024) will be just as bad, or worse.


Nicole Johnson discovers one of only 150 ever built… in fiberglass, in 1953.  What?

The Glasspar G2 came out just under 10 years before the E-type Jag.  And honestly?  I think it looks just as good.

And that DeSoto V8 sound… I’m amazed Nicole didn’t have a Big Moment.  I nearly did.

Afterthought:  Speaking of E-type Jags, Jay Leno has restored his 1963 XKE Roadster, and takes it for a drive.  It is unquestionably one of the prettiest E-types I’ve ever seen — the color alone is worth the price of admission — and the fact that he’s restored (and not modified) this old beauty makes it even better.


Sometime ago, a commenter asked:  “What happened to Nigella Lawson?  You used to be so sweet on her”  (or words of that nature).

Simple answer:  she lost a whole bunch of weight, and along with that, Nigella got all gaunt ‘n stuff.  (It’s all okay to lose weight;  but sometimes, something essential is lost along the way.)

I thought I’d illustrate the point with (what else?) a couple of pics.  Here’s Our Girl in years gone by:

And magnificently tousled:

Then she started to lose weight:

And had she stopped there, I think we can all agree that this would have been fine.  But she didn’t:

I mean the basics are still there, but…

And a couple more reminders of days gone by:

See what I mean?

I know;  she’s got older, too — but the gaunt, “skinnier” Nigella just doesn’t do it for me anymore.  And that’s a Sad Thing.

News Roundup

And today:

...with all the usual mil-spec quality controls one has come to expect from the MoD., our 2A rights are safe, then.

...and to think, they stopped working on that silly cancer cure thing, just for this.  I suspect government funding is behind this one.

...yeah, that “soft on crime approach” is working everywhere it’s tried.

...good fucking question.  Too bad it wasn’t Biden asking it.

...uh, I hate to break it to you, Blimpo, but I have more chance of winning New Hampshire than you do.

From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©: opposed to the date they predicted in 2001:  January 12, 2015.

From the Dept. of Health, two opinions: written by “experts”, and the following appeared in the same newspaper on the very same day:

...and I’ll call next time I’m in town, I promise. me when when a bunch of people die from this latest variant — because nobody has yet, despite all the fearmongering.

From the Wild Kingdom: sharks need any help in that department.

...1. shoot it. 2. shoot it again. 3. shoot the owner.

In Economics News:

...don’t say he didn’t warn ya.

From the Heart of Stone Department:

...too bad it wasn’t on the return trip, but them’s the breaks.

...okay, how many of you have ever thought about doing this?

...yeah, me too.



  ...and on a parallel train of thought:


And lest you think I never give you anything useful in these Roundups:
