Teacup, Storm In

I see that the silly Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine  is having his pee-pee whacked for the cardinal sin of saying (supposedly) that Black artists are not as articulate as their White counterparts.

I’m reminded of the priceless Frank Zappa quote (about Rolling Stone  itself), and I’m going by my admittedly-creaky memory:

“Rock journalism can be described as people who can’t write, interviewing people who can’t speak, aimed at people who can’t read.”

I always thought that Rolling Stone  was a silly magazine, aimed at White rock ‘n roll fans, mostly talking about White musicians.  Their lists of the “Greatest [whatever]” were apparently written by people aged 18 who had no idea of any music that had been released any more than two years before they turned 16, if that.

And Wenner himself was nothing more than a rock groupie, his magazine giving him the backstage pass to all the top bands’ acts.  He was an inconsequential player in a silly age, and why anyone would want to read, let alone buy his book will remain a mystery.

…But True

Note the censorious tone in this one:

A BIZARRE joke which aired on Australia’s Today show has left viewers in fits of laughter.  Hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo were left flabbergasted when a young boy told an unscripted joke about vegans jumping from cliffs.

The clip is causing a stir in the US as some Tiktokers remarked it would have never been broadcast on straight-laced American telly. 

And this eeeevil joke?

“A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first. Who wins?”
“I don’t know, who wins?”

I sniggered.

Flaunting It

It’s a well-known fact that I am somewhat conservative in my outlook [chorus of “No, Kim… not you!], but not really when it comes to women’s clothing.  Having come of age during the late 1960s and 1970s, I kinda like it when women show off their bodies (allowing for the Lizzo Exception, of course).

However, this one made me stop in my tracks:

Granted, she’s another one of those Brit Celeb/Actresses/Houris [some overlap]  but at least she’s apparently married to the father, so there’s that.  But I still feel a little… uncomfortable? looking at that display.

Now I’m not one of those “cover up everything because pregnancy is somehow shameful” people — sheesh, that went out with the Victorians — and I recall seeing some awfully-sexy pregnant women in Chile who were not at all shy about wearing tight little mini-dresses and high heels as they strutted their stuff around downtown Santiago.  I love the whole thing about pregnant women, too;  I think it’s glorious.

Still, I can’t help feeling that the above is a little too ostentatious or even vulgar.  Can we not say that women need to be a little more ladylike about the whole thing?

I know, I know:

“Kim, women show off their tummies in bikinis and midriff tops all the time — and you’re a serial offender when it comes to posting those pics, you dirty old bastard.  So why should it be any different when they’re pregnant?”

Because it IS different.

I welcome comments on the topic.

The Fabulous Fifties (5)

Okay, probably the last one, starting off with some royal totties:

Princess Mary of Norway (51)

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands (52)

Queen Rania of Jordan (53)

TV royalty Susannah Reid (52)

Claire Sweeney (55)

Kylie Minogue (55)

Paulina Porizkova (58)

(I know, she was a supermodel, don’t care. still would)

And of course, the obligatory Salma Hayek (57)

News Roundup

So on with the news… ugh.

...wait till they see 2023‘s numbers.

...next step?  I know: let’s press-gang some of those illegal immigrants!  What could possibly go wrong?

...I know, it’s terrible when 99% of a population gives all the rest a bad name.

In Crime News:

...”gun dealer” in Britishland being a worse sobriquet than “child molester”.

...given that the D.C. locals elected a bunch of “soft-on-crime” officials, one is almost tempted to cook up a bowl of popcorn.

...To Serve and Protect*
*unless we’re a bunch of fraidy-cats
[/Uvalde cops]

...should have just offered some of the council members a kickback from the loot;  problem solved. [/South Africa]

...I dunno;  she’s kinda hot, so:  her own TV reality show, a multi-million dollar book deal, an OnlyFans account?  This is Biden’s America, after all.

...hmmm a vegan saying that narcissism is A Bad Thing?  How droll.

In Travel News:

...keywords:  Newark (NJ) en route to Dublin (IRE) Like Manchester to Malaga, only with less class.

Time for a small helping of INSIGNIFICA:




...my guess is that it’s not that often, but whatever.

And that’s the end of the bouncy-bouncy news.