Welcome News

From Utah / Washington D.C.:

Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president in 2012 against then-president Barack Obama, said Wednesday that he will not seek a second term in the U.S. Senate, citing his old age and a demand for younger leadership.

Of course, the Bee nails it:

The Democratic Party was left scrambling for a replacement today, as long-time faithful Senator Mitt Romney of Utah announced he would not be seeking re-election.

“This is a huge blow for the Democratic Party,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. “Romney has been one of our most reliable senators. He will be sorely missed.”

And the best part:

According to sources in the Romney camp, the Senator plans to retire to the plains of Namibia to spend more time with his fellow rhinoceros family.

Return Of The Asshole

Just when I thought that ex-BritPM Tony “Oily Little Shit” Blair had disappeared from public view, he steps forward with yet another Nanny-State idea:

Tony Blair has urged ministers to tax junk food so it is too expensive for the poor in a bit to tackle obesity. The former Labour prime minister urged an interventionist policy on public health, with an expansion of the sugar tax, new levies on foods high in fat and salt, and advertising bans.

He said ministers needed to help ‘create the circumstances’ in which poorer families choose healthy food, and likened the situation to the fight against smoking when he was in No10 — which included a ban on publicly lighting up indoors.

…which did fuck-all except drive people outdoors to get their nicotine fix.  It certainly didn’t stop poorer people from buying cigarettes.  There’s no reason to suspect that his jihad against “junk” food will perform any differently.

I also love the “create the circumstances” line — a classic piece of unctuous Blairite pablum which covers the intrusive governmental bossiness of what he’s suggesting.  “We know better than you what you should do.”  (cf. Hillary Clinton.)  And speaking of this bitch…

This, by the way, is the real problem with electing leaders when they’re young:  they carry on with their bullshit after leaving office (e.g. the Clintons, the Obamas and even Jimmy fucking Carter).  As much as I detest the late Harry S(hitbrain) Truman, when he left the Oval Office he retired to Bumfuck MO and we never heard from him again.

Would that his political descendants would follow his example.

Up Yours, Governor (Part 2)

Adding to the fun and games response to NewMexGov Grisham’s “I’m banning gun carrying because it’s a health issue” initiative comes this most excellent news:

There are now six lawsuits (and counting) challenging New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s public health order suspending Second Amendment carry rights in the Bernalillo County and the city of Albuquerque. While literally no local authorities are willing to enforce her clearly unconstitutional diktat, Grisham is still claiming that the New Mexico State Police will do her dirty work.

The State Police, however, have remained strangely silent on the matter and no one has been cited for any violations.

This afternoon, however, New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez delivered the latest body-blow to the Governor’s authoritarian tendencies by announcing in a letter to Grisham that his office will not be defending her in court.

So this anti-gun asshole bitch will either have to pay the legal defense costs herself, or get some liberal law firm to do it pro bono — or beg for money from the Soros-type socialist billionaires.

Of course, she could always end this quite easily by killing herself rescinding the stupid order (thereby making the issue moot).

We await developments with bated breath.

Fighting Off The Bully

Apparently, dogs attacking people is becoming a thing in Britishland.

Here’s one to make you wonder:

Fighting off an XL bully is nearly “impossible,” according to a martial arts expert. Self-defense tycoon Matt Fiddes, 44, has called for a ban on the beasts and said that if anyone finds themselves confronted by one then do your best to run away.

Run away from a dog?  Yeah, that’ll work.  The exercise will just make him hungrier.

Of course, Over Here we don’t have to listen to bullshit like this because we have recourse to fine tools like this one:

…loaded with your choice of .410 goodness (I’m kinda torn between #2 and #5, but I can be persuaded, in Comments):

Of course, the Brits could use pepper spray — no wait:  “Carry and use of pepper spray by common citizens is banned under Section 5(1)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968”.

What about tasers or stun guns?  “Stun guns are considered firearms, and as such are also controlled under the Firearms Act 1968”.

Looks like they’re stuck with:

…although they’re probably also banned under the “Dangerous Club Act 1968”, or something.

Sure must be nice to live in such a state of fear — hooligans, thugs, dangerous dogs etc. — all because of stupid laws.

I prefer living in the state of Texas, thank you.

Recommended Action

I see that some double-murderer / illegal immigrant / prison escapee has now managed to break into a house and steal a gun.

Convicted 34-year-old killer Danelo Cavalcante escaped the Chester County, Pa., Prison on August 31 by crab-walking up a wall. In the last 13 days, the fugitive (who is also an illegal immigrant from Brazil) has been spotted by surveillance tapes and eyewitnesses; the most recent witness confronted the convict in his South Coventry Township home, stealing a .22 caliber rifle. The homeowner fired a pistol at Cavalcante, but there is no evidence of bodily injury.

Of course, warnings have been issued, schools closed etc. etc.

Conspicuously absent from all this is something I would certainly support:  a recommendation to shoot the bastard dead on sight.  Never mind all that calling the cops, seeking refuge and running away nonsense;  if you see him, kill him.

And a sizeable cash reward for doing so would certainly not be out of order, either.

For the benefit of all my Readers living in the affected and adjacent areas:

…or in Kim Terms:

And I don’t want to hear any bullshit about “vigilante justice”, “right to a fair trial”, “taking the law into your own hands” or anything of a similar nature.

If ever somebody needed killing, it’s this asshole.  Vermin, plain and simple, and should be dealt with as such.

Update:  Okay, he’s been recaptured.  Never mind.  They used dogs on him: