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Author: Kim du Toit
Welcome To The Club, Huskers
Finally, some good news for the Second Amendment:
It’s a new day in Nebraska, where after years of struggle lawful gun owners can now bear arms in self-defense without having to first obtain a government-issued permission slip.
Gov. Jim Pillen signed LB 77 into law back in April, declaring that the bill upheld the promise made to voters to “protect our constitutional rights and promote commonsense, conservative values” and praising state Sen. Tom Brewer for championing the bill year after year, slowly making progress until the legislation finally had the votes to cross the finish line.
“Nebraskans should not have to pay the government a fee or ask permission for constitutional rights,” said Senator Brewer. “This bill finally delivers on the promises in Nebraska and United States constitutions. I am proud to help Nebraska join twenty-six of our sister states in removing this obstacle to the right to keep and bear arms.”
While the bill was signed into law months ago, its provisions didn’t officially take effect until today, making Nebraska officially the 27th state to recognize the right to bear arms in some form or fashion without the need for lawful gun owners first receive a license.
Why did it take so long? After all, one would think that in a rural state like Nebraska, they would have been one of the first, not twenty-seventh in line.
Alas, as with so many — maybe even all — states, Nebraska has to deal with two large socialist enclaves: metropolitan Omaha (home of, for example, devout anti-gunner Warren Buffett), and the college town of Lincoln, home of the Usual Wokist Academia.
I’m just glad to see that the gunnies (take a bow, Tom Brewer) took a leaf from the anti-gunner assholes and never gave up, chipping away at the gun nannies’ position until victory came a-calling.
The Two-Front War
It was always a nightmare for the German generals’ war plans: having to fight a war in both the West (against France, Britain etc.) and in the East (Russia). Once in that situation, Germany was always going to lose as it lacked both the resources and the stamina to win both simultaneously — although they gave it a good old college try in WWI, and might actually have succeeded had they not been shackled to the hopeless and hapless Austro-Hungarians, and pissed off the Americans.
But I’m not here to talk about history. What gave rise to the above is this little snippet:
A bigamist former soldier’s double life was exposed when his daughter from one of his marriages messaged his second wife on Facebook asking what her connection to him was.
Jason Hayter, 48, had five children with his two wives and lived with one family in Germany, where he was stationed with the Army, and visited the other in the UK.
Neither woman knew about the other as he explained his lengthy absences on being away with the Army and, after he left, training as a paramedic, or on mental health problems.
Mental health problems? Speaking as one who has raised only one family (okay, maybe two, but in series rather than in parallel), I can quite imagine that having to deal simultaneously with two wives, each with children, would drive any man around the bend — especially when secrecy has to be maintained.
I can see the attraction of having a wife and family and a mistress, provided that she’s French (like Mitterrand’s Anne Pingeot) and understands the rules — FFS, his wife and mistress not only both attended his funeral but stood side by side at his graveside.
That, I can understand. But to actually marry two women in parallel?
Our buddy the bigamist has been sentenced to seven years in jail — a blessed relief for him, to be sure — and I bet he’ll be the only prisoner in history to argue against his own parole. Anything to get away from Wife Squared. (And it is indeed squared, not doubled, as any man with experience will testify.)
Broken Neighborhoods
I was interested, although not surprised, to see this development:
High-end retail shops in California’s iconic Beverly Hills have reportedly begun to shutter their doors amid an epidemic of smash-and-grab robberies.
To be fair, a whole bunch of them had already closed because of California’s stringent WuFlu lockdown a couple years back. But this latest “epidemic of smash-and-grab robberies” is absolutely the fault of the politicians and the voters who put them there.
Yup: being soft on crime, whether allowing overt riots of the BLM genre or having the “shoplifting isn’t really a crime” mindset, can only lead to more and yet more lawlessness — something you’d think would be blindingly obvious to the dumbest of the dumb.
Clearly, Californians fall even below the above definition.
Let Beverly Hills sink — and the rest of that poxy state along with it.
Easy Fix
Giant rats the size of ‘small dogs’ have turned a street in Glasgow into a no-go zone for refuse workers.
Film has emerged of rodents running down children’s slides, scampering across lawns, feasting from bins and getting into fights with seagulls.
Chris Mitchell, GMB convenor for Glasgow’s cleansing workers [garbage men — K.] said some staff had needed hospital treatment after being bitten or scratched by rats in other areas of the city. Vermin infestations in Glasgow rose by 31 per cent from 2021 to 2022, with 10,323 reports.
Am I the only one who gets an itch in the index finger when reading about this stuff?
The way I see it, there are two decent options, both in .22 LR:
…loaded with .22 shot shells, as indicated. Or, if you want to keep things quiet:
Of course, because the above rat problem is in Britishland, neither of the above is possible because stupid Brit gun laws.
That said, if the rats are getting into fights with seagulls (a.k.a. winged rats), there’s at least some entertainment value to be had, before whacking both.
There’s A Smell In The Air
…and no, it’s not the smell of cooking vegan burgers:
Britons are turning away from meat with a majority backing subsidies for plant-based alternatives, according to the RSPCA.
New figures suggest a revolution in eating habits for a nation that was previously defined by its love of roast beef and a fry-ups, with their bacon, sausages and eggs.
A study sponsored by the animal charity found 58 per cent have taken steps to eliminate or reduce their own meat consumption.
Uh huh. I bet the study was taken in Islington, among people seen leaving vegetarian and vegan restaurants, and duh! it’s coming from the RSPCA, hardly an unbiased organization.
That smell? Ah yes: it’s non-vegan bullshit.
All this, among actual data showing that vegan (i.e. fake meat) food-producing companies are in financial difficulties if not going out of business altogether, ditto vegan restaurants and so on.
But if you repeat the lie often enough, it becomes the truth. [cf. climate change, Josef Goebbels]