This one caught my eye at Collectors:
I know, I know: the constant gripe about Smith’s Performance Center (or “Profit Center”, as it’s sometimes called) is that they take a gun and turn it into what the gun should have been at the outset, for about a grand’s difference.
I don’t think that’s fair, because while a standard Smith 627 is not exactly a slouch in the Gun Beauty Division:
…there is no doubt that like any standard-issue gun, it can always be improved by a little judicious tinkering. Which is what the Performance Center does. And yes, like any bespoke changes, you gotta pay for the improvements.
In Colt terms, this is like the difference between the excellent Colt Trooper:
..and the magnificent Python.
I would be perfectly happy with a Trooper or S&W 627 (although 8 rounds in the 627, hubba hubba). Both are excellent revolvers, no question about it.
And the Python and 627 PC? Wonderful. And you pay extra for the doubleplus part. There’s no problem with that.