Lunch On The Grass

It was a popular theme, for a while:  people having a picnic lunch en plain air, in some park or other.  Here’s (I think) the best-known example of “Dejeuner sur l’herbe”, painted by Edouard Manet:

(all pics can be right-clicked/embiggened)

His similarly named contemporary Claude Monet also did one (albeit less shockingly):

…and Paul Cézanne did two:

  (I’m pretty sure the second was painted during his Drunken Phase, but whatever.)

Here’s Marcel Dyf’s pair:

…although it must be said that Dyf had a thing about barely-pubescent girls, the dirty old sod.

Of course, Picasso had to add his two pesetas:

…while Egon Schiele went off-script completely:

Some American guy followed the trend:

…but he cocked it up completely, i.e. no nudity — I’m frankly surprised that he had wine in the pic.

The theme has continued into the modern era, mostly through photography (here’s Robert Doisneau):

…and in glorious (?) color:

…and even as a party theme:

There’s been some modern art on the topic, of course. Here’s Chinese artist Yue Minjun:

…which made me howl with laughter.  Absolutely brilliant satire.

There was even a French movie entitled “Dejeuner sur l’herbe”.  Here’s a still:

And yes, that was yesterday’s Caption Competition pic.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Sent to me by several Alert Readers, there’s this happy tale.

Two masked men were shot and killed during a botched robbery in Houston’s East End on Wednesday, according to the Houston Police Department.
A preliminary investigation revealed the business owner was coming back from a bank when he was hit in the back of the head. When he turned around, he saw two masked men wearing gloves and he immediately opened fire. An employee came out, saw what was going on and also fired shots at the robbers.

There’s nothing quite like a two-fer, is there?

Proving that nobody’s ever completely satisfied, however, there’s also this:

Police said a third suspect heard the shooting and took off in a newer model black Lincoln Navigator with Texas license plate RTS-3919.

Never mind.  They’ll get to him later.

Normally I’d want to get details like guns used by the good guys, caliber etc., but I think I’ll just have an extra breakfast gin to celebrate because… two-fer.

News Roundup

And speaking of breaking things while getting screwed: other news, Lindbergh makes first solo crossing of the Atlantic.  And still in that barrel of idiotic monkeys:

...”stopgap spending bills” is just another term for “let’s rape the taxpayers a little harder while we have them panicking.”

...just the latest of so many, many Republican fuckups.

...”taking a swing at Tony fucking Blair on the campaign trail” was surprisingly not mentioned.

From the Dept. of Mass Assimilation:

...wait:  people are trying to get into Saudi Arabia?  LOL I bet not too many are Christians, though.  Also:

...whatever, dude;  just don’t try to sneak your humanitarian crisis into somewhere else that isn’t.

From the Woke Chronicles:

...wait:  I thought that chess was one of those things where physical strength doesn’t matter.  Parallel thought:  why are there women-only chess tournaments?  Are chicks really less intellectually-capable than men, chessly-speaking?

...or maybe they just didn’t have enough lesbians in the team.  Makes about as much sense.

...I know;  just reading that makes you want to listen to the song, right?  Go on:  the link’s in the picture:

And from the INSIGNIFICA files:


...we haven’t seen this plump little pullet in a while, so:

She has a sister, by the way, who seems equally tasty:

…and that’s all the news fit for a Friday.