Classic Beauty: Scilla Gabel

“Who she?” you may well ask.  Consider this pic first, of someone we all know and love:

…and then know that Scilla Gabel was Sophia Loren’s stand-in and body double for many years on movie sets, when the production crew would be setting up the lighting, position marks and what-have-you before the cameras started to roll with the actual Sophia in the lens.

Later on, Scilla established her own movie career.

So all that having been said, here she is:

And I hate to say it, but Mary Poppins never looked this good:

And finally:

I do believe I can see the resemblance.  Certainly, she’s Sophia’s double in terms of height, coloring and skin tone.

Which makes her stunningly gorgeous and alluring.

Texas Plinking

Let’s see:  1,000 yards, shooting prone only, at a 1″ MOA (10″ at 1,000 yards) plate, in central Texas weather conditions and without a spotter…

I’d be lucky to hit the berm.

Still, a bunch of folks have tried, using all sorts of strange and exotic rifles, and here follows a series of episodes (links in each pic).  (Note:  watching long-range shooting is usually akin to watching paint dry, in slow motion.  This isn’t.)

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3 (featuring Courtney):

Episode 4 (that’s a Chey-Tac):

And then, in Episode 5, some ol’ boy named Chad shambles up with a Mosin-Nagant 91/30 (!!!!) using a house brand S.W.F.A. scope and Sellior & Bellot 7.62x54R ammo:

…and much hilarity ensues.

Just the thing for a long, lazy Saturday.

Just FYI:  TP’s host (Brandon) is an excellent shot, as he shows in this video.  His comments on scopes are particularly useful.

Unfortunately, he’s not a good speaker — he tends to rush his speech — and the budget scope he likes is the Arken Optics EP5 5-25x56mm, which I cannot wait to try out, maybe next year if we have a ULD draw.


From Reader Sean F. comes this latest bit of insanity:

I have to say that I’m loving this.  The more Trannie Set tries to perpetuate their insanity on society, the better things look for our side.

And by the way:  for our side, accusing us of “transphobia” is really just going to elicit shrugs of indifference, coupled with a “Yeah… so what?” response.

News Roundup

And off we go, like a slut’s panties:

...hands up, those of you who think this task force won’t fix a damn thing:

…oh, all of you, huh?

...wrong headline.  The proper premise is:  where the hell are those billions coming from?

...that’s just Trump being his narcissistic asshole self.

Some good news, for a change:

...anything that prevents the distribution of that foul-tasting shit is A Good Thing.

News from the Mass Assimilation Project:

...but you assholes are still going to vote him back into power, so who cares.

...ditto for this clueless harlot and her equally-clueless NY voters.

From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©:

...and the citizens’ response should be:

Speaking of people who need a ride on Air Pinochet:

...of course you didn’t.  That was Hunter’s job, you corrupt motherfucker.

In the Kingdom Of Wokedom:

...LOL and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of preening, self-righteous shitheads.

...that’ll teach you to recruit marketing staff from Anheuser-Busch.

In INSIGNIFICA (a.k.a. “How does this bullshit qualify as news?”):


...poor kid.  Imagine being born into that celebrity whores’ nest.

And in Celebrity News:


Yeah, I remember Lisa back when she was a youthful hottie:

And that’s it for the news.

Stupid Argument

Loath as I would ever be to bestow any kind of acknowledgment to the Ginger Whinger’s Duchess CaringSlut, on this issue I am firmly on her side.

The Duchess of Sussex once wore diamonds grown in a lab on a royal jaunt, but jeweller Eddie LeVian is not impressed. 

‘I’m concerned people think it’s the same as a diamond,’ he tells me at the Tower of London, where his brand Le Vian hosted a show. ‘It’s misleading.’

Of course, he makes his livelihood pimping overpriced rocks for the ghastly De Beers diamond criminal cartel, so of course he would sniff at “man-made” diamonds as not being “the real thing” — although they actually are.  Even if they were grown in a clean laboratory somewhere instead of having been hauled out of the ground by child laborers in Africa, their chemical composition, their hardness and appearance make them real diamonds, absolutely indistinguishable from their bloody African cousins.

Which of course makes the diamond industry quake in their expensive handmade boots, because it means the end of their tidy little cartel which has established itself by dint of creating an artificial shortage through the imposition of “controls” mostly illegal — ask yourself why De Beers doesn’t have an office in the United States (RICO coff coff ).  And gawd forbid that diamonds should be priced at even semi-precious levels rather than as the horribly-overpriced geegaws they are.

So while the Duchess Formerly Known As Third Actress From The Right may well have worn said manufactured gems because of Evil Child Labor Exploitation — not actually a bad reason, for once — the fact remains that all the pouting about the diamonds being fake is being driven, as always, by the greed and self-preservation instincts of the fucking awful diamond industry.

Who are far, far worse a cancer on society than the Markle creature could ever be, try as she may.