Secret Crush

When I moved Over Here in the Great Wetback Episode of 1986, one of the things I immersed myself into (as part of my ahem acculturation program) was morning TV programs — pretty much enforced, as I was waiting for my work visa to be approved.  Anyway, not knowing which TV program to watch, I chose ABC’s Good Morning America, more or less at random.

Which is where I discovered the velvety voice and MILFY looks of Joan Lunden.

Of course, GMA (then and still) was the most appalling pablum and Lefty agitprop, but somehow none of that mattered because I was quite smitten with Miss Lunden (okay, Mrs., as I later learned, to much disappointment).  That voice and her occasional dirty chuckle got me going, let me tell you.

It became worse when I discovered that she had freckled boobs (!):

…which led to several naughty fantasies.  (Sadly, she later developed breast cancer, so I have no idea what happened to her girls.)

She’s a granny by now, of course, but then I too am an Olde Phartte, so none of it matters.  But for several months back there in the mid-80s…

The Kindle Affair – Update

In the end, I decided to forgo the stupid Kindle reader altogether and just download the Kindle app onto my laptop.

Which I did, and discovered that I have whole host of books still in my account (left over from my last foray into Kindleville, in the land of Amazonia).

Also, for those who are new to these pages or weren’t paying attention, may I humbly draw your attention to my previously-published works:

Vienna DaysFamily FortunesCreative LicensePrime TargetSigning New England

I am grinding my way ever so slowly through the sequel to Family Fortunes (which I may just creatively entitle “Family Fortunes Part II” because I can’t think of a decent riff on “Family _____”, mostly because the story takes place during the Boer War and WWI).

Also in the hopper is Skeleton Coast, a nearly-completed story of German South-West Africa in 1910, and Budapest Evenings, a story about a plot to assassinate the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary in 1900.

Annoyingly, all my creativity in writing the above occurs in my pre-waking hours in the morning, but by the time I’ve woken up, showered, made coffee and read my email, most has tragically disappeared from my creaking brain, leaving only scattered remnants behind.

I shall persevere.  Try to contain your excitement.

News Roundup

And from the Department of Health:

...considering that my favorite pub snack is beer, that’s excellent news.  And speaking of Queer I mean Beer News:

...not Bud Light, because nobody would want it for free, let alone buy it.

In our Catalog of Stupid People:

...cause of death:  terminal stupidity.  And on the same topic:

...should be only seven, of course, but that’s Bidenflation for you.

In Human Relations: she discovers that there are two kinds of “snapper”.  Speaking of snappers:

...sounds pretty cool to me.

And on the subject of “cool”, there’s this from the Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© Apostles:

...and here we go again:

I’m thinking 20ga #8 birdshot into the legs if caught in the act, but I can be persuaded otherwise.

...never mind the sharks;  just look who’s issuing the warning — Dr. Rosie Jones:

Speaking of unwelcome visitors to Britishland:

From the Dept. of Immigration: kinda guy.

Time for some link-free INSIGNIFICA: long as you weren’t turned on, darlin’.

And speaking of sex toys, here’s some Media Celebrity News:, I don’t know who she is either, but let’s have a look:

And in hot-weather gear:

Let’s all head off to the beach, because news time is over.

Where Are They Now?

Via Reader Old Texan in his Friday email, I see this lovely little thing:

…which leads me to ask:  whatever happened to cap guns? 

I grew up with the things — I mean, that one on the pic could have been the one I had as a kid, except my gun’s ur-nickel plating was long gone through much pocketing and abuse.  And my poor mother had to deal with my constant nagging each Saturday morning (when I got my paltry allowance) to take me to the hardware store or drugstore to get five rolls of those excellent caps (which would last me till, oh, Sunday afternoon;  I haven’t changed much).

I’d assumed that they’d been declared illegal because eeeevil guns, and caps ditto because EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL!!!!  but I see that plastic ones (eeewww!!!), die-cast revolvers and even cap roll guns are sold through Amazon.  Sadly, the first two of these use “ring caps” which are terrible because boys can’t create mini-explosive devices out of them, as we did with the cap rolls when I were a Lad Of Extreme Mischief.  (I should point out that my Dad showed me how to do this, which says it all, really.)

But can you buy ring caps or paper roll caps through Amazon?  Silly rabbit, of course you can’t, no doubt because you have to fill out ATF Form #4376-5-3 or some such bullshit before such a sale can be “allowed”.

I think you can still buy the cap rolls at Tractor Supply stores and ring caps at Big Lots! (note: they are out of stock in both outlets).  But wait:  what have we here?  Aaahhh, Tin Toy Arcade to the rescue:


I have to say, though, that relatively speaking, those guns are Colt Python-expensive, for toys.  Especially when you can get the Real Thing for a little more than three times the price:

…and the plainer .22 LR-only version for little more than double:

…as used by Daughter as her first gun.

But let’s not go there.

I suspect, by the way, that societal pressure is forcing these lovely cap guns to be disappearing fast because We Cannot Allow Children To Play With Violent Toys.

What a load of old bollocks.

RFI: Kindle

Okay, I might have to break down and get me one of them Kindle thangs, because the storage / cost matrix looks like I’m going to be driven out of the actual-book-buying thing.

But seeing as I was last exposed to Kindle at about version 1.0, I need help from y’all to steer me towards the right one in terms of cost / facility / whatever.

The larger, the better, and the one most like a real book, the better still.  Kindle? Paperwhite?  Oasis?  What are the differences / benefits of each?

Fuck me, I just saw the prices.  I’m going to have to have a donations drive to afford one… unless I just get the cheapest for a hundred bucks — but with my luck, it’s going to be the same as my long-discarded v1.0.


Update:  okay, which tablet?

Is this one a good idea?