Department Of Righteous Shootings

Ordinarily, I’d treat the end result of the story: “guy feels aggrieved, gets a machete and attacks, only to be shot dead by the attackee”  with something approaching glee, but as this story (sent By Reader Brad_In_IL, thankee) shows, things are often not as cut and dried:

According to authorities, 36-year-old Michel Lope Montes de Oca had contacted a mobile tire repair service to fix his car, and he got into an altercation with the mechanic who showed up and started working on his vehicle.

The customer became upset when he checked the tire that was installed on his car and found that it was a used tire, police said.

Now, let’s at least acknowledge that selling a used tire at a new-tire price is not an action that doesn’t require at least some pushback.  But “getting upset” should never involve grabbing a handy cutting implement and having at it.  Over-action, meet overreaction.

As Señor  Machete discovered, alas too late.

One must ask — although not condemn — why a tire repair guy would feel the need for self-protection in his job.  But if it’s his common practice to sell old tires as new, small wonder.

Left a bad taste in my mouth, this one did.


I note with extreme displeasure that a retreaded version of The Day Of The Jackal  has been made, fortunately only on Brit TV so we won’t be subjected to it Over Here.

Why am I so dismissive?  As I wrote on this here website many years ago, I consider Forsyth’s novel to be quite possibly the greatest thriller ever written, and Zinneman’s movie adaptation likewise excellent, for the simple reason that he followed the novel’s format almost to the letter.

Would that other directors followed his example;  his, and that of the late Franco Zeffirelli (Romeo and Juliet).  But no they don’t, of course:  mostly, the novels are twisted beyond all recognition into something else, something else of far lesser value (e.g. the dreadful remake of Jackal, with Bruce Willis and Richard Gere).

I’m sorry I mentioned that;  I too have the faint taste of near-regurgitation in my mouth now.

Anyway, I think it’s time to do something more valuable with my time, like heading off to the polling booth.

News Roundup

…because you just never know when your lady is going to need a black rifle, right?

But in Global Jew-Hate News:

...or maybe just shoot them dead on the spot.  Too extreme?

...who cares?  He’s just the new top of the IDF Hit List anyway.

In the latest Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

…wait, I thought “climate change” was a bad thing.  Did I miss the memo?

...but seeing as this started over three hundred years ago (before SUVs), can this really be because of that same anthropomorphic “climate change”?

In related news:

...oops.  But the best part is that the fire station didn’t have a fire alarm because “it wouldn’t be necessary”.

...nice to see that the Frogs have so much spare cash lying around.  And on the topic of Too Much Money:

...because Microsoft is way behind in the AI technology war.  If they were ahead, he’d be saying that AI would be the salvation of Mankind.

From the Dept. of Education:

...hey, at least she was banging her boss and not a student.  Unlike this next slut:

...good thing there’s DNA testing, otherwise all twelve would be part of the “Guess The Daddy” game.  And on the topic of illicit sex:

...keyword:  Australia.

Some Totally Silly News:

...Hollywood wasn’t liberal enough?

...but at least they looked good when their lifeless bodies were pulled from the water, right?

And now in link-free and picture-free 


...ummm Leo, dude:  that’s not exactly “Grab A Granny” now, is it?

And one more time down  :

...welcome back, darlin’.  It’s been too long.

Now let’s get ready for the next news cycle…

From The Old Alma Mater

Every so often I get mail from U. of North Texas, most of which I ignore because if I respond to any of them, they’ll just hit me with requests for money (like most unasked-for emails from organizations do).

Not that I’d give them a red cent, the chiseling Mean Green Leftist assholes.

But this one made me chuckle.

I hasten to add that this has nothing to do with the famous RCOB©, known and beloved of my Longtime Readers, although in the context of the above, a “teaching innovation” would be an angry roar of: “If you little assholes don’t stop looking at your phones during my lectures, I’m going to fail the entire fucking class this semester!!!”

Or something like that.

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